COMP15 Fall 20XX
Due: Wednesday, November 3, 11:00PM
Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) was devised by Polish logician Jan Lukasiewicz as a way to represent arbitrary arithmetic expressions without the use of parentheses. RPN is also called "postfix notation," because the operators are written after the operands to which the operators are applied. We are already familiar with the idea of RPN (postfix), having used a form of RPN to perform operations in PostScript and having evaluated stack-based expressions in the last assignment. But, just for the sake of review, the ordinary infix expression:
(4 + 6) * 14when rewritten in RPN is:
4 6 + 14 *In this assignment, we will use PostScript-style operator names (e.g., "add" instead of "+") for the arithmetic operators. So, we would write this expression as:
4 6 add 14 mulin PostScript-style RPN.
The goal of this project is to construct a program to read a series of RPN expressions from a file and evaluate them. This project reuses the evaluation stack and array stack classes from project #4. You will need to develop a new class, LexicalAnalyzer, that reads and tokenizes the RPN expressions from the input file. The main program will call the lexical analyzer to obtain tokens, and after determining the token type, will:
The objectives for this project are:
Only one file is provided, lexan.h, which is the declaration of the LexicalAnalyzer class and its interface. This file is available in the directory /g/15/class/project5. You will need to copy this file to your own working directory and use it as a starting point for development. You must also reuse the evaluation stack and array stack classes that you developed in project #4.
You will need to implement the LexicalAnalyzer class (lexan.cpp.) An informal interface specification for this module is given below. The lexical analyzer recognizes five kinds of tokens:
Token Meaning ------------ ----------------------------------------------- UNDEFINED Undefined token (unrecognizable input) END_OF_INPUT End of input has been reached DELIMITER A single punctuation character (e.g., operator) IDENTIFIER A name (e.g., an operator name) NUMBER A number (e.g., an operand)Your program should detect the end-of-input condition and terminate cleanly.
Here are more details on the syntax of the RPN expressions. An RPN expression consists of operands and operators. Operands are decimal integer numbers. The operators are:
Operator Meaning -------- ------------------------------------------------ add Addition sub Subtraction mul Multiplication div Division mod Modulus (remainder) neg Arithmetic negative abs Absolute value = Show contents of stack (no pop!) ; Show top of stack and clear; ends the expressionThe order of operands for non-commutative operations (div, mod) is the same as the evaluation stack. The '=' operator may appear anywhere in an expression and displays the current contents of the stack without affecting the stack contents in any way. Thus, the '=' operator is handy for debugging problems with expressions. The ';' operator terminates an expression and separates the current expression from the next expression in the file. It shows the top of the stack (the final result) and clears the stack to prepare for the next expression to be evaluated. Here are two example expressions:
10 20 30 add add ; 10 30 30 40 = add add mul ;and sample output after evaluation:
TOS: 60 Stack contents: 40 30 30 10 <> TOS: 1000
Here are some additional requirements to be satisfied:
As usual, the class notes have vital information for development. All course notes are available through the "life line" URL: will also need information on the cctype and cstring libraries at: on-line quick reference on C++ file streams has information on file input: code is given for reading characters from a file -- feel free to borrow and adapt the sample code as needed. Remember, it will be easier to build your lexical analyzer if you peek ahead in the input stream with the peek() method.
Use the provide system to submit your finished program:
provide comp15 a5 lexan.h lexan.cpp ...The files to be submitted are:
stack.h Declaration of stack interface stack.cpp Definition of stack eval_stack.h Declaration of evaluation stack interface eval_stack.cpp Definition of evaluation stack lexan.h Declaration of the lexical analysis interface lexan.cpp Implementation of the lexical analyzer main.cpp Evaluation driver makefile makefile to build everythingBe sure to build and test your program on before submitting your work. This system is the target build and test platform for all course projects. (And hey, have you experienced the load on the Sun servers lately? :-)
Here are two additional requirements for extra credit:
Function: LexicalAnalyzer Purpose: Constructor for lexical analyzer objects; Initializes private data members Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::open Purpose: Opens the specified input file and advances to the first token Parameters: filename: Name of the input file Returns: True if open was successful, false on failure Error conditions: Unable to open input file Function: LexicalAnalyzer::close Purpose: Close the input file Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::advance Purpose: Advances to the next token; reads and recognizes the next token from the input file stream Parameters: None Returns: True if scan was successful; False if end-of-input has already been scanned and an attempt was made to advance past the end-of-input Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::matches Purpose: Compares the current lexeme with a pattern string Parameters: pattern: Pattern string to be compared Returns: True if the current lexeme and the pattern string are the same; otherwise, false Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::getToken Purpose: Returns the type of the current token Parameters: None Returns: Returns the type of the current token; one of the values of the enumeration type TokenType Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::isDelimiter Purpose: Test if current token is a delimiter token Parameters: None Returns: True if the current token is a delimiter, else false Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::isIdentifier Purpose: Test if current token is an identifier token Parameters: None Returns: True if the current token is an identifier, else false Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::isNumber Purpose: Test if current token is a number token Parameters: None Returns: True if the current token is a number, else false Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::isEOI Purpose: Test if current token is the end-of-input token Parameters: None Returns: True if the current token is the end-of-input, else false Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::getDelimiter Purpose: Copy string value of lexeme to the destination string Parameters: destination: Destination for lexeme value; destination string must be big enough to hold the lexeme Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::getIdentifier Purpose: Copy string value of lexeme to the destination string Parameters: destination: Destination for lexeme value; destination string must be big enough to hold the lexeme Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::getNumber Purpose: Convert lexeme to integer value and return its value; Note: Uses the library function "atoi" to do the conversion Parameters: None Returns: Integer value of the current numeric lexeme Error conditions: None Function: LexicalAnalyzer::printToken Purpose: Display useful debugging information about the current token; Displays token type, lexeme, etc. Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: NoneCopyright © 2004-2013 Paul J. Drongowski