COMP15 Spring 20XX
Due: Thursday, March 17, 11:00PM
One of the chief advantages of the abstract datatype (ADT) approach is the encapsulation of design and implementation decisions within reusable modules. Through encapsulation, the developer has the freedom to change the implementation of an ADT without modifying either the interface to the ADT or the code that uses it.
The goal of this project is to reimplement the stack ADT using a linked list to store and manipulate items on the stack. You must reuse the testing code developed in Project #3 to test and validate your new implementation.
The objectives for this project are:
Several files are provided:
You will need to reimplement the stack ADT using the files list_stack.h and list_stack.cpp. The new implementation must use a linked list to maintain the contents of the stack. Stack items should be allocated and deallocated dynamically. You will need to add private data members to list_stack.h to manage the linked list. You must provide a copy constructor for the new stack class that makes a complete copy of the stack when called.
The stack ADT implementation must allocate storage for each item when it's needed and deallocate storage for each item when the item is no longer needed. Your code must catch and handle exceptions thrown by new using try/catch blocks. The stack destructor, the clear operation and the pop operation must deallocate (delete) any dynamic storage to prevent memory leaks.
You should use your evaluation stack module and testing code from Project #3 to check out the new implementation. You may, of course, add new tests.
Just for fun, try the new stack ADT with the RPN evaluator developed in Project #4. Everything should work together!
Here are some additional requirements to be satisfied:
Use the provide system to submit your finished program:
/local/bin/provide comp15 p5 makefile list_stack.h ...The files to be submitted are:
list_stack.h Declaration of stack interface list_stack.cpp Definition of stack eval_stack.h Declaration of evaluation stack interface eval_stack.cpp Definition of evaluation stack array_main.cpp Test code for the base class eval_main.cpp Test code for the derived class makefile makefile to build everythingBe sure you are completely satisfied with your work before submitting! Build and test your program on before submitting your work. This system is the target build and test platform for all course projects. Projects which do not build correctly receive a score of zero.
Here is an additional requirement for extra credit:
See the informal interface specification for Project #3 for the other functions in the Stack class. The push, pop and clear operations must use the C++ new and delete operations to allocate and release storage dynamically. Remember to check for exceptions using try/catch blocks.
Function: Stack(const Stack &old) Purpose: Copy constructor that makes a complete copy of an old exisiting stack Parameters: old: Existing stack to be copied (reference parameter) Returns: Nothing Error conditions: Dynamic storage exhausted (new operation failed) Function: ~Stack() Purpose: Deallocates (deletes) any items in the stack Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: NoneCopyright © 2004-2013 Paul J. Drongowski