COMP15 Spring 20XX
Due: Monday, April 11, 11:00PM
A compiler reads and parses a source language program in order to generate executable machine code. Often, the source language program is translated to an intermediate representation which is analyzed and optimized before machine instructions are generated.
The goal of this project is a program, rpntree, to read and parse Reverse Polish Notation (RPN) arithmetic expressions, build a binary tree intermediate representation of each expression, and traverse each expression tree to print an expression in prefix, infix and postfix forms as selected by the user on the command line. Expressions are printed to a file.
The objectives for this project are:
When the program rpntree is launched, the command line options and arguments specify:
rpntree [-prefix|-infix|-postfix] rpnfile outfileThe program name rpntree is followed by one or more options: -prefix, -infix, -postfix. The name of the input RPN expression file follows the print options on the command line. The name of the input file is followed by the name of the expression output file.
The rpntree program must check several command line and user interface conditions before expression processing is undertaken:
Usage: rpntree [-prefix|-infix|-postfix] rpnfile outfileThe program should then exit and return the status code EXIT_FAILURE. When rpntree runs successfully, it must return the status code EXIT_SUCCESS.
RPN expressions in the input file differ from the syntax used in earlier assignments. The delimiter/operator '=' (equal sign) has been eliminated. The delimiter ';' (semicolon) is not treated as an operator. The delimiter ';' terminates an RPN expression and it separates RPN expressions in the input file. An RPN expression is free-format and may be split across multiple input lines.
RPN expressions have two kinds of operators: monadic and dyadic. A monadic operator takes one operand and a dyadic operator takes two operands. Monadic operators are:
abs Absolute value neg Arithmetic negation sqroot Square rootDyadic operators are:
add Addition '+' sub Subtraction '-' mul Multiplication '*' div Division '/'When an expression is printed in infix form, the corresponding single character equivalent for dyadic operators must be used in place of add, sub, etc. to improve readability.
Operands in RPN expressions may be either numeric or symbolic. Numeric operands are positive or negative integer numbers. Symbolic operands are C-like identifiers.
Expressions printed to the output file must adhere to the rules given in this section. Each output expression is printed on a separate line and must begin with a label that identifies the output format, i.e.,
Prefix: For prefix output expressions Infix: For infix output expressions Postfix: For postfix output expressionsIf an input file contains more than one RPN expression, then the output expressions for a given input expression should appear together in the the output file. (The program rpntree only needs to build and process one expression at a time and then discard the expression tree when done with it.) A blank line should separate each group of output expressions for readability.
Prefix form should always appear before infix form and infix form should always appear before postfix form. The order is not sensitive to the order of the options in the command line. (Let's keep it simple!)
Here's an example to illustrate. Assume that the input file "expr5" contains:
-10 -20 -30 add add;aaa bbb ccc add add ; xxx -37 zzz add add ;When rpntree is run using the command:
rpntree -prefix -infix -postfix expr5 out5the output file "out5" contains:
Prefix: (add -10 (add -20 -30)) Infix: (-10 + (-20 + -30)) Postfix: -10 -20 -30 add add Prefix: (add aaa (add bbb ccc)) Infix: (aaa + (bbb + ccc)) Postfix: aaa bbb ccc add add Prefix: (add xxx (add -37 zzz)) Infix: (xxx + (-37 + zzz)) Postfix: xxx -37 zzz add addNote that a blank line separates each "group" of output expressions.
Each print format has some additional rules:
Several files are provided to help you get started:
You will need to complete the main module, rpntree.cpp. The main function must:
The expression tree object is created, maintained and traversed by the ExprTree class. You must implement this class using the class declaration in expr_tree.h and in accordance with the informal specification given below.
In ExprTree, you will need to write three public functions -- printPrefix, printInfix and printPostfix -- which traverse the expression tree in preorder, inorder and postorder, respectively. Each traversal function should display a node such that the resulting output will produce the expression tree in prefix, infix and postfix notation. Please pay attention to formatting and try to make the resulting output as readable as possible. The public functions call inner, private functions to recursively walk the tree in the appropriate order.
The expression tree class uses a stack object to keep track of intermediate RPN subexpressions. The stack object is an instance of the Stack class. You must implement this class using the class declaration in expr_stack.h and in accordance with the informal specification given below.
Both ExprTree and Stack use objects from the ExprNode class. The declaration and definition of this class are given in the files expr_node.h and expr_node.cpp. You may not need to modify these files, but you will need to read through them to understand the ExprNode class.
Here are some additional considerations and requirements to be satisfied:
Use the provide system to submit your finished program:
/local/bin/provide comp15 p6 makefile expr_node.h ...The files to be submitted are:
expr_node.h Declaration of ExprNode interface expr_node.cpp Definition of ExprNode expr_stack.h Declaration of Stack interface expr_stack.cpp Definition of Stack expr_tree.h Declaration of ExprTree interface expr_tree.cpp Definition of ExprTree lexan.h Declaration of the LexicalAnalyzer interface lexan.cpp Definition of the LexicalAnalyzer class rpntree.cpp Driver to handle the CLI and parse RPN expressions makefile makefile to build everythingBe sure you are completely satisfied with your work before submitting! Build and test your program on before submitting your work. This system is the target build and test platform for all course projects. Projects which do not build correctly receive a score of zero.
An ExprNode represents a node in an expression tree. A node may stand for either: an operator taking one operand (MONADIC_OPERATOR_NODE), an operator taking two operands (DYADIC_OPERATOR_NODE), a numeric operand (NUMBER_NODE), or a symbolic operand (IDENTIFIER_NODE.)
Function: ExprNode() Purpose: Constructor that creates and initializes a new ExprNode object. Initially, the ExprNode is an UNDEFINED_NODE, the symbol values are undefined (NULL) and the left and right subtrees are empty (NULL.) Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: debugPrint() Purpose: Displays the information in an ExprNode in a format suitable for debugging. Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None
A Stack object is used to hold pointers to ExprNode objects as an RPN expression is being parsed.
Function: Stack() Purpose: Constructor that initializes the Stack object to its empty state Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: ~Stack() Purpose: Deallocates (deletes) any items in the stack Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: clear() Purpose: Deallocates (deletes) any items in the stack and resets it to its empty state Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: push(PtrExprNode node) Purpose: Push a pointer to an ExprNode on the stack Parameters: node: Pointer to be pushed Returns: True if push was successful; false on failure (error condition) Error conditions: Stack overflow; Prints error message to cerr on error Function: pop() Purpose: Pops the pointer to an ExprNode on top of the stack and returns it Parameters: None Returns: Pointer to ExprNode on top of stack; NULL on failure (error condition) Error conditions: Stack underflow; Prints error message to cerr on error Function: getTop() Purpose: Returns the pointer to ExprNode on top of the stack without popping it Parameters: None Returns: Pointer to ExprNode on top of stack; NULL on failure (error condition) Error conditions: Stack is empty; Prints error message to cerr on error Function: isEmpty() Purpose: Detect if stack is empty or not Parameters: None Returns: True if the stack is empty; otherwise, false Error conditions: None Function: getDepth() Purpose: Determine the number of items on the stack Parameters: None Returns: The number of items on the stack Error conditions: None Function: showTop() Purpose: Display information about the ExprNode on top of the stack. Calls debugPrint method of ExprNode to display node information. Displays "<>" when the stack is empty. Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: showAll() Purpose: Display information about the ExprNode objects on the stack. Calls debugPrint of ExprNode to display information for each node from top to bottom. Displays "<>" to represent the bottom of the stack. Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None
Function: ExprTree() Purpose: Constructor creates an empty expression tree Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: ~ExprTree() Purpose: Destructor discards (releases) storage Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: start() Purpose: Start processing an RPN expression. This function is called when starting a new RPN expression in order to build a new expression tree. Clears the node stack. Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: finish() Purpose: Finish processing an RPN expression. This function is called after an RPN expression has been completely parsed. Node stack should contain exactly one node. Pop the pointer to the node and make the node the root of the expression tree. Displays error messages to cerr when necessary. Parameters: None Returns: Nothing Error conditions: Stack is empty or does not contain exactly one node Function: monadicOperator(char *op) Purpose: Process a monadic operator. Create a new operator node and initialize it. Pop node from stack and make that node the right expression subtree. Push new operator node. Parameters: op: Pointer to operator name (lexeme) Returns: True if successful; false if stack is empty (no right subexpression) Error conditions: Stack is empty Function: dyadicOperator(char *op) Purpose: Process a dyadic operator. Create a new operator node and initialize it. Pop two nodes from stack and makes them the left and right expression subtrees. Push new operator node. Parameters: op: Pointer to operator name (lexeme) Returns: True if successful; false if stack is empty or has only one node in it (no right or left subexpression) Error conditions: Stack is empty or has only one node in it Function: number(double num) Purpose: Process a numeric operand. Create a new numeric node and initialize it. Push it on the stack. Parameters: num: Floating point value of numeric operand Returns: True if successful; false on failure Error conditions: Stack overflow Function: identifier(char *id) Purpose: Process a symbolic operand. Create a new symbolic operand node and initialize it. Push it on the stack. Parameters: id: Pointer to operand name (lexeme) Returns: True if successful; false on failure Error conditions: Stack overflow Function: printPrefix(ofstream &out) Purpose: Print expression tree in prefix form. Invoke a preorder tree traversal. Parameters: out: Output file stream (reference parameter) Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: printInfix(ofstream &out) Purpose: Print expression tree in infix form. Invoke a inorder tree traversal. Parameters: out: Output file stream (reference parameter) Returns: Nothing Error conditions: None Function: printPostfix(ofstream &out) Purpose: Print expression tree in postfix form. Invoke a postorder tree traversal. Parameters: out: Output file stream (reference parameter) Returns: Nothing Error conditions: NoneCopyright © 2004-2013 Paul J. Drongowski