Astatic M2 from CAD Audio
If you need a small format mixer and USB interface for mobile, the new Astatic M2 from CAD Audio might fit the bill. The Astatic M2 is a multipurpose 2-channel (2 mic/line) analog mixer with a built-in USB interface:
- USB Type C interface for data and power (rear panel)
- 2 XLR combo inputs
- High/low shelving EQ per channel
- 16-bit/48kHz digital audio
- Reverb (on/off, level, decay controls)
- Bus powered
- +48V phantom power (switch on rear panel)
- 7″ x 7″ x 2.3″ (18cm x 18cm x 6cm)
- 1.3 pounds (0.6kg)
The price is certainly right: $60 USD. So, if the M2 gets nicked or trashed, you’re not out much dough.

The documentation is kinda sketchy, however. We have to assume class compliance and it looks like the digital audio level into the mixer is set at the source.
Hercules keyboard stands
Hercules keyboard stands aren’t as well-known in these parts as other brands (e.g., Ultimate Support, K&M, On-Stage, Gator), but that’s about to change. Hercules USA offers two product lines, X and Z with a full complement of accessories.
Lately, I’ve been searching for a stand with small front-to-rear depth. My keyboard stand, music stand, and seat need to fit on a four foot deep choir riser. Yeah, I could play standing, but dancing on the pedals is difficult. Pickin’s are slim if you need to minimize your front-to-back footprint.
Stands for mini-keyboards (e.g., Reface, Arturia, etc.) is another niche waiting to be filled. My Keylab Essential 49 is just a bit too narrow for most keyboard stands opened wide for a comfortable sitting position. Worse, manufacturers do not publish height/width for the intermediate positions of an adjustable stand. Only Quik Lok publishes this essential information. (See example diagram below.)

Most of us are buying on-line, people. Give us what we need to make decisions!
Yamaha continue to grow. Yamaha Guitar Group, Inc. (a U.S. subsidiary of Japan-based Yamaha Corporation) have acquired the Córdoba Music Group (CMG). CMG started out as a purveyor of nylon guitars. CMG itself eventually acquired Guild Guitars, HumiCase, and DeArmond. The big fish eat the little fish. Now add “Guild” along side of “Ampeg” in the Yamaha line-up.
Synths are the tail of the big dog. Strings — pianos and git-tars — still rule the roost at Yamaha in terms of sales (by dollar and by unit volume). Ponder that while waiting for AN-X. 🙂 Or, CK61/CK88.
Copyright © 2023 Paul J. Drongowski