Whew! Writing articles about ARM Cortex-A72 took quite a bit of time and effort (Part 1: Fetch and branch, Part 2: Execution and load/store).
If you drop by my site for music tech and synth info, never fear, I’m still playing with musical toys. The holiday gift return season is upon us and there are bargains popping up every day. Mint or lightly used open box items are available at a discount — a great way to stretch scarce cash. I hope to post mini-reviews as toys and time allow.
Even though the pandemic (sadly) rages on, Winter NAMM 2021 is next week (18-22 January 2021). Like many other events, Winter NAMM 2021 is virtual. Brick and mortar NAMM is replaced by NAMM Believe In Music Week. It doesn’t cost anything to register, so “Why not?”
I took a quick spin through the Believe In Music site and the organizers have done a terrific job. There, you will find the latest information about existing products and new products as they are announced. Some companies, like Yamaha, have placeholders for information to be released once the press (publication) embargo expires.
However, teasers sneak through! On Wednesday, January 20, Yamaha have four sessions scheduled:
- New Yamaha Synth Product First Look (10AM)
- New Yamaha Synth Product Integration (12PM)
- New Yamaha Synth Product Playthrough (2PM)
- New Yamaha Synth Product (3PM)
Definitely something to look forward to. So, register now and start looking for Easter eggs like this!
BTW, Yamaha have already published many Winter NAMM 2021 press releases on PR Web. Seach for “Yamaha” — or any other big-time vendor. That’s how I found the new Yamaha MSP3A compact reference monitor ($199 USD MAP). Before Christmas, I was shopping for a pair of mini monitors and would have consider these had I known about them. Went with Eris 4.5 which are more in line with my budget.
Given the NAMM Believe In Music Week site, there isn’t much need to preview products here on my site. (Time is precious and is not fungible.) However, if you’re a doting grandparent, I do recommend checking Soundbops. 🙂

In toys we trust. Go Browns!
Copyright © 2021 Paul J. Drongowski