New PSR-SX720 and PSR-SX920 models

I just found this information about the new Yamaha PSR-SX720 and PSR-SX920. It is now appearing on multiple on-line retailer sites. 🙂 I will have further in-depth comments after I get my hands on the manuals.

Yamaha PSR-SX720 Arranger Workstation

  • FSB keyboard, with 61 touch-sensitive keys
  • 1,377 Voices + 56 Drum/SFX Kits + 480 XG Voices including 9 S.Articulation+ and 252 S.Articulation Voices
  • 128 notes of polyphony
  • 450 Styles including 3 Free Play Styles
  • Dynamic Style Control
  • Expansion Memory 1 GB
  • Assignable: Joystick, 2 controllers, 8 buttons (AF, 1-2)
  • Improved User Interface
  • Buttons with greater visibility
  • Chord Looper Function
  • Bluetooth Audio NOT AVAILABLE
  • Speakers: 13 cm x 2 + 5 cm x 2
  • Speaker power: 2 x 15W
  • Dimensions: 1174mm x 511mm x 246 mm
  • Weight: 12.9kg
  • 1,573 Euro VAT included (Spain), $1,599.99 USD MAP

Yamaha PSR-SX920 Arranger Workstation

  • FSB keyboard, with 61 touch-sensitive keys
  • 1,587 Voices + 63 Drum/SFX Kits + 480 XG Voices including 12 S.Articulation2, 15 S.Articulation+ and 340 S.Articulation Voices
  • 128 notes of polyphony
  • 575 Styles including 6 Free Play Styles
  • Dynamic Style Control
  • Expansion Memory 2 GB
  • Assignable: Joystick, 2 controllers, 8 buttons (AF, 1-2)
  • Improved User Interface
  • Buttons with greater visibility
  • Chord Looper Function
  • Bluetooth Audio
  • Speakers: 13 cm x 2 + 2.5 cm (dome) x 2
  • Speaker power: 2 x (15W + 10W)
  • Dimensions: 1174mm x 511mm x 246 mm
  • Weight: 12.9kg
  • 2,662 Euro VAT included (Spain), $2,299.99 USD MAP

The PSR-SX920 will be the first mid-range PSR to have a few S.Art2 voices. Previously, S.Art2 voices appeared only on the top of the line arranger (such as Tyros 5 and Genos). The two models also introduce Super Articulation+ (S.Art+) which responds to articulation buttons on the front panel. There is a new “128-note” drum kit. [Who knows what that marketing-speak means.]

Both models have doubled the number of DSP effects assigned to Style parts. Both models have Dynamic Style Control adjusting the energy and dynamics of a Style with a single knob.

Yamaha is also introducing Portamento Crossfade to the mid-range (first appeared in G2 and A5000 [Mark]).

“Flexible time signatures” are supported. “Style Section Reset ensures your virtual drummer stays on the down beat with a single button press, especially useful for songs with random 3/4 or 6/4 bars.” A lot of Beatles fans will be happy because they notoriously mixed time signatures. 🙂

Several on-line retailers in the USA have the new models in stock!

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