Yamaha stage keyboards: What’s next?

Lately, I’ve been contemplating the future of the Yamaha Stage keyboard line: the YC organ and CP digital piano. Both keyboard lines are mature; the CPs were released in January 2019 and the YCs were launched a year later in January 2020. Both models have received updates (including new voices). The latest updates, however, feel like “life extension” updates while new models are in the latter stages of development.

Does it make sense to merge the two product lines and reduce the number of SKUs? That would be a bit of challenge for Yamaha as organ-focus and piano-focus are defining features for the YC and CP, repsectively. In terms of sound, the updates have brought both lines closer together even though the front panels and user interface remain distinct. The YC got a lot of additional AP and EP voices bringing it into CP territory.

Then there is the “CK effect.” The CK is an all-rounder with drawbars, CP-like front panel controls and a set of secondary sounds which, frankly, leave both YC and CP wanting. So, given CK, it should be possible to merge the two stage keyboard product lines. Right?

These thoughts prompted me to take a look under the hood of both YC and CP. Gigantic, purpose-built front panels aside, YC and CP are brother and sister as far as digital electronics are concerned. There are a few differences on the analog side such as CP’s balanced XLR outputs. Of course, the keybeds are different, too, in keeping with organ-, EP- and AP-focus.

Yamaha Stage CP block diagram (click to enlarge)

Let’s tour stage CP first. The primary digital components are:

  • Yamaha SWX09 CPU and DSP (248MHz internal clock)
  • Yamaha SWP70 tone generator (191.9232MHz internal clock)

The SWX09 integrates an ARM Cortex host processor, an unspecified DSP core, and a raft of external interfaces. SWX09 also contains an AWM2-compatible tone generator and effects/mixing section. In stage CP, the wave ROM, wave RAM and DSP RAM interfaces are unused. Board real estate is wired for DSP SDRAM; the board position is unpopulated.

Without SWX DSP RAM, the CP models cannot implement Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM).

The SWX09 is a mainstay in the Yamaha CLP digital piano line. The SWX09 is the primary workhorse component in the CLP-685 and P-515 digital pianos, for example. The P-515 and CLP-685 each have 256MBytes of wave ROM which should give us a rough idea of the size of the CFX and Bösendorfer waveforms (samples). [The CLP and P-515 EPs are relatively old and probably aren’t very big in comparison.]

We see the SWP70 tone generator throughout Yamaha’s many product lines, so it’s not surprising to see it in the stage CP, too. The CP has 2GBytes of NAND flash waveform memory. Its SWP70 has DSP RAM and wave RAM. DSP RAM supports effect processing and Wave RAM caches in-flight (most recently used) waveform samples. The SWP70 has its own unpopulated DSP RAM position, labelled “For future model”.

Yamaha Stage YC block diagram (click to enlarge)

Not to leave anyone in suspense, the future model is YC. The YC SWX09 gets DSP SDRAM and the SWP70 gets its second DSP RAM channel filled. The CP is mainly a sample-playback engine while YC implements a Virtual Circuit Modeling organ engine in addition to sample-playback. I’m guessing that the SWX09 DSP hosts the all-important rotary speaker effect.

The YC’s waveform memory is the same capacity as CP: 2GBytes total waveform NAND flash. 2GBytes may seem gargantuan versus P-515’s 256MBytes. Pianos are memory hogs and with all of the updates, those 2GByte waveform memories may be full up (or close to capacity).

It will be interesting to see where Yamaha takes the Mark II stage keyboards. Here’s a few thoughts.

The CK61/CK88 gave Yamaha valuable experience with integration of organ, piano and other sampled voices. They have a lot of available content (voices, waveforms) and software IP (organ and rotary speaker simulation, AWM2, FM, VRM). If they combine their experience with existing technology, they could issue three models:

  • 61 Semi-weighted waterfall keys (organ focus)
  • 73 BHS weighted keys (EP focus)
  • 88 GEX piano-action keys (AP focus)

Unifying the YC and CP designs into one reduces the number of separate SKUs from five to three and increases economy through scale.

There’s a lot of competitive pressure to produce an all-in-one stage keyboard. Nord (Clavia) have not been sitting on their hands and the Nord Stage (4) marches on! Yamaha’s own Montage M series shows the way, packing all-rounder functionality into a single keyboard.

As to new technology, announcements for the CLP-800 series Clavinova pianos are touting “a new tone generator chip with increased computational power” and imply that the new TG chip enables enhanced Virtual Resonance Modeling. An SWX10, perhaps? I’d like to see both VRM and VCM organ technology in the same package.

    Keyboard   Waveform Mem  Expansion mem
    ---------  ------------  -------------
    CLP-685      256 MBytes
    P-515        256 MBytes
    PSR-SX900      2 GBytes     1 GByte
    PSR-SX700      1 GByte    400 MBytes
    DGX-670      512 MBytes
    CSP-170        1 GByte

Copyright © 2024 Paul J. Drongowski

Yamaha PSR-SX920 new voices

Yamaha arranger folks would like to know about the new(er) voices added to the PSR-SX920. Unfortunately, at the time of this writing, the PSR-SX920 Data List is not yet available.

However! Yamaha did make available a new version of its MIDI Song to Style application, including voice list files for the SX920 and SX720. Here are some of the additions which I spotted.

  • CFX piano and its many variations
  • C7 studio grand and its variations
  • Suitcase EP is upgraded to S.Art, now called “70sSuitcase”
  • 70sVintage (Wurli) EP now S.Art
  • Kino Strings
  • New brass including 80s synth brass and bass trombone
  • New sax sections
  • D-model folk guitar
  • Mandolin and uklele
  • Active bass (finger, pick, etc.)
  • Mini Moog lead
  • Drum kits: Vintage Muted Kit, Vintage Open Kit, Jazz Stick Kit, Jazz Brush Expanded, Brazilian Kit, Pop Latin Kit 2 Comp

And, of course, everyone wants to know about the new S.Art2 voices added to the SX920. This is the first time a mid-range PSR has gotten S.Art2.

  • S.Art2 JazzViolin
  • S.Art2 CelticViolin
  • S.Art2 SoftTrumpet
  • S.Art2 ClassicTrumpt
  • S.Art2 BalladSopranoSax
  • S.Art2 PopSopranoSax
  • S.Art2 TenorSax
  • S.Art2 FunkTenorSax
  • S.Art2 PopTenorSax
  • S.Art2 Clarinet
  • S.Art2 BalladClarinet
  • S.Art2 RomanceClarinet

MegaVoices got a big boost. Here are the new-to-SX920 MegaVoices:

  • Kino strings (4 small ensembles, 5 large ensembles)
  • Martin D folk guitar (5 variations)
  • Steel acoustic finger and thumb picking variations
  • Uklele
  • Mandolin
  • 60s vintage guitar (regular Strat and slap)
  • Active bass (Stingray)

Don’t forget, the MegaVoices are the sonic base for S.Art instrument voices. Look for a bunch of new electric guitar voices based on the 60s Strat, for exaample.

I can’t and won’t guarantee that these lists are complete. They will have to do until the Data List PDFs roll out and we can pore over them in detail.

Copyright © 2024 Paul J. Drongowski

New PSR-SX720 and PSR-SX920 models

I just found this information about the new Yamaha PSR-SX720 and PSR-SX920. It is now appearing on multiple on-line retailer sites. 🙂 I will have further in-depth comments after I get my hands on the manuals.

Yamaha PSR-SX720 Arranger Workstation

  • FSB keyboard, with 61 touch-sensitive keys
  • 1,377 Voices + 56 Drum/SFX Kits + 480 XG Voices including 9 S.Articulation+ and 252 S.Articulation Voices
  • 128 notes of polyphony
  • 450 Styles including 3 Free Play Styles
  • Dynamic Style Control
  • Expansion Memory 1 GB
  • Assignable: Joystick, 2 controllers, 8 buttons (AF, 1-2)
  • Improved User Interface
  • Buttons with greater visibility
  • Chord Looper Function
  • Bluetooth Audio NOT AVAILABLE
  • Speakers: 13 cm x 2 + 5 cm x 2
  • Speaker power: 2 x 15W
  • Dimensions: 1174mm x 511mm x 246 mm
  • Weight: 12.9kg
  • 1,573 Euro VAT included (Spain), $1,599.99 USD MAP

Yamaha PSR-SX920 Arranger Workstation

  • FSB keyboard, with 61 touch-sensitive keys
  • 1,587 Voices + 63 Drum/SFX Kits + 480 XG Voices including 12 S.Articulation2, 15 S.Articulation+ and 340 S.Articulation Voices
  • 128 notes of polyphony
  • 575 Styles including 6 Free Play Styles
  • Dynamic Style Control
  • Expansion Memory 2 GB
  • Assignable: Joystick, 2 controllers, 8 buttons (AF, 1-2)
  • Improved User Interface
  • Buttons with greater visibility
  • Chord Looper Function
  • Bluetooth Audio
  • Speakers: 13 cm x 2 + 2.5 cm (dome) x 2
  • Speaker power: 2 x (15W + 10W)
  • Dimensions: 1174mm x 511mm x 246 mm
  • Weight: 12.9kg
  • 2,662 Euro VAT included (Spain), $2,299.99 USD MAP

The PSR-SX920 will be the first mid-range PSR to have a few S.Art2 voices. Previously, S.Art2 voices appeared only on the top of the line arranger (such as Tyros 5 and Genos). The two models also introduce Super Articulation+ (S.Art+) which responds to articulation buttons on the front panel. There is a new “128-note” drum kit. [Who knows what that marketing-speak means.]

Both models have doubled the number of DSP effects assigned to Style parts. Both models have Dynamic Style Control adjusting the energy and dynamics of a Style with a single knob.

Yamaha is also introducing Portamento Crossfade to the mid-range (first appeared in G2 and A5000 [Mark]).

“Flexible time signatures” are supported. “Style Section Reset ensures your virtual drummer stays on the down beat with a single button press, especially useful for songs with random 3/4 or 6/4 bars.” A lot of Beatles fans will be happy because they notoriously mixed time signatures. 🙂

Several on-line retailers in the USA have the new models in stock!

Copyright © 2024 Paul J. Drongowski

Roasted and toasted

If you’re missing the old PSR Tutorial Forum, C’mon over to Yamaha Musicians Forum. You’ll recognize many of the familiar faces. 🙂 Saul’s site has the same colleagiality as the old forum and chances are good you’ll get answers to your questions.

I’ll continue to post my long opinion pieces here. Sorry if there hasn’t been much lately. I took time away from the PNW and visited with family in Arizona. Hot with afternoon thunderstorms. Cue “No Rain” by Blind Melon. “Oh, good is raining, again.”

New stuff

Now that Labor Day (USA) is past, it’s the Fall launch season — back-to-school and pre-holiday in full swing.

Not too many kids will tote these to school, but Korg have announced the FISA SUPREMA “Aero Digital Instrument”. Hey, it’s a full-sized digital accordion! Forty-one keys with velocity sensitivity and aftertouch, and 120 velocity sensitive bass buttons. [Gives the phrase “Free Bass” a new meaning.] 320 voices including tonewheel organ. 100 drum instruments. Man, that’s one heck of an all-rounder. Weighs in at 23.3 pounds (10.6kg).

Fais pas ca! At $8000 USD, I don’t know if I’ll be getting on my Buckwheat. (The occasional accordion tune does come up at church.) Korg also offer a button model at $8,300.

New MIDI controllers have been sprouting like August weeds. Arturia sprung the KeyLab Mk3 Universal MIDI controller. It has the usual French Arturia styling with a semi-weighted keyboard and aftertouch. Yes, real wood paneling. $499 USD for the 49 key model and the 61 key is $599. The Mk3 comes with the usual Arturia bundle of sounds and effects. The 49 is 17.4 pounds (6.1kg) which sounds a tad heavy for me.

Novation have launched (pun intended) the Mk4 Launchkey range, five models going from mini to full-size 49- and 61-key models. Pricing remains modest: $250 USD for the 49 and $300 for the 61. The Mk4 models have a small OLED display, rotary encoders and semi-weighted piano-shape keys. Only the pads have aftertouch, but at these prices, we beggars cannot be choosers. The new Mk4 Launchkeys do two zones (split and layer). Faders are on the left where they belong. The pads have an innovative “Chord Map” mode giving you a 5 by 8 matrix (Adventure x Explore parameters) of built-in chord sets to wander around in.

Weight (9 pounds / 4.08kg) and price put the 49-key model on my radar. Ableton Live provides cheap late afternoon entertainment (better than Candy Crush), so Live integration is attractive. Plus, our son copped my Launchpad and I could use a replacement. 🙂 My biggest knocks on the mk4? It doesn’t do expression pedals and it cannot send a full MIDI Bank Select plus Program Change message sequence. I hope to try one out.

Here’s a shout out to a local company — Mackie (Bothell, WA). Mackie announced two additions to its Thump line of powered PA speakers: Thump210 and Thump210XT. Both models have a 10 inch woofer and 1″ compression driver driven by 1400W Class D amplification. The input section has a two channel mixer and app integration for remote mixing. The XT model adds Bluetooth connectivity for audio streaming and speaker linking. Prices are reasonable: $349 USD and $399 (XT). The new Thumps weigh about 25.4 pounds (11.5kg).

Not a new product per se, but the Yamaha YC stage organ got a new update (OS v.14). Jazzing YC owners will appreciate the new VCM organ type, H4. Quoting Yamaha, the “H4 has more mids and lows with a darker, wider percussion that’s great for playing left-hand bass.” The update adds new Live Sets (e.g., Soft Jazzy, Loudest, Ballad Organ, Gospel Layer, WR+Organ) and the ability to store Master EQ settings in a Live Set.

New stuff not here yet

PSR folks are eagerly awaiting the Yamaha PSR-SX720 and PSR-SX920. Information trickles out, but nothing official. One on-line retailer may have jumped the starter’s gun putting both models up for pre-order. (No apparent price increase.) The retailer claims a September 9 launch date. Another on-line retailer believes the old models are discontinued. Something is definitely afoot.

I cannot verify the authenticity of this picture

[Update] If the Yamaha trickle-down theory holds, the SX720 should be a lot like the now deprecated SX900 minus vocal harmony and the usual 900-level stuff. The retailer leak mentions a new SX920 sound system called “”Expansive Soundfield Speakers (ESS)”. If the picture above is genuine, there will be cosmetic changes (e.g., a few grey buttons in place of black, more attractive speaker covering), and the PSR-SX720 will get Chord Looper (controlled by the new buttons next to the Live Control knobs a la the SX900).

See, all reasons to come over to Yamaha Musicians Forum. Let’s talk. 🙂

Copyright © 2024 Paul J. Drongowski