MODX EP umph!

This short post is for MODX/Montage people looking for a little more electric piano (EP) “umph”.

I haven’t been all that happy with the factory stock suitcase and “Rd” patches. They seem to be lacking guts. So, I turned to the Genos 70s Suitcase Ballad voice for inspiration. Here are the EQ and effect settings:

Genos voice: 70sSuitcaseBallad

    EQ Low    -4/64  = -0.75dB @ 200Hz
    EQ High   +16/64 = +3.00dB @ 2.0kHz

Reverb: Real Medium Hall +  (MODX/Montage: HD HALL)

    1 Reverb Time          1.7s
    3 Initial Delay Time   22.1ms
    4 High Damp Frequency  8.0kHz
    6 High Ratio           0.8
    13 EQ Low Frequency    800Hz
    14 EQ Low Gain         +6dB
    15 EQ High Frequency   1.0kHz
    16 EQ High Gain        +4dB
       Return Level        64

Insert: Chorus 2  (MODX/Montage: SPX CHORUS)

    1 LFO Frequency        0.34Hz
    2 LFO Depth            29
    3 Feedback Level       0
    4 Delay Offset         0.0ms
    6 EQ Low Frequency     500Hz
    7 EQ Low Gain          0.0dB
    8 EQ High Frequency    7.0kHz
    9 EQ High Gain         +2dB
    10 Dry/Wet             D63>W
    11 EQ Mid Frequency    2.0kHz
    12 EQ Mid Gain         +4dB
    13 EQ Mid Width        1.0
    15 Input Mode          Stereo

The 70s Suitcase Ballad voice has the guts and warmth that I’m looking for. Always steal from the best! I plugged these effect and EQ values into the stock Case 73 Soft Performance.

Yamaha’s signal flow introduces equalization at multiple levels. This makes it difficult to suss or judge the overall EQ curve. However, these settings appear to add a significant bump in the 800Hz to 2.0kHz range. The reverb stage, in particular, has an major effect.

The chorus effect gives a nice shimmer after tweaking. It replaces auto-pan in the original factory patch. I adjusted the chorus dry/wet mix to D16>W in order to get a deeper/richer chorus.

Have fun!

Copyright © 2024 Paul J. Drongowski