Most eyes are on the Yamaha Montage M series leak. However, the list of new Yamaha products revealed on Yamaha Musicians Forum includes “P-525B” and “P-525WH”, indicating a successor to the P-515 digital piano. (The P-515 was released in 2018.)
Further evidence popped up on a Yamaha regional site. The digital piano accessories page shows the L-515 stand and refers to an “P-525” as well as “P-515”. This situation is not unlike the pre-announcement days of the CK88. “Hey, look, there’s a music rest for the unannounced CK88!”
The new P-225 and P-145 models each received matching stands: L-200 and L-100, respectively. The P-525 will use the same old stand as P-515. Therefore, I don’t anticipate any big change in the P-5×5 form factor.
Given the modest bump in model name, I wouldn’t expect much more than a functional spiff (i,e., a small refresh). Maybe a few more voices? Maybe a few more rhythm patterns? I wouldn’t mind “Grand Expression,” but I’m not holding my breath.
We’re coming up on the September/October triple-witching hour: new product roll-outs, new price lists, and “Back to School”. If you’ve worked in electronics retail, you know there are three selling seasons in North America: “Back to School”, holiday, and “Dads and Grads”. We’re about one month into the Back to School season.
I stopped into Guitar Center last weekend to try a P-225 (no luck). I saw the same deep stacks of P-45 and P-125 digital pianos. Big retail stores are over-stocked on some models and I expect to see price reductions or promotions for deprecated products in the near future. Maybe you can pick up a digital piano at a blow out price while the new models trickle in?
There are rumors that Roland will try to spoil the Montage M announcement with a major Fantom update. Yamaha never like to pre-announce, so the Montage announcement in July 2023 was a big deal. Was Yamaha trying to spoil Fantom sales? Watch these two daikaiju duke it out!
Update: Accessorize!
Don’t forget to accessorize!
Yamaha will be introducing a new triple pedal unit, the FC35 — a stand-alone unit which you can throw into a (large) gig bag. The FC35 will be compatible with models having the 6-pin DIN LP-1 connector: DGX-670, P-121, P-125, P-223, P-225, P-515, P-525 and P-S500.

Need a keyboard gig bag? The new SC-KB851 will handle P-35, P-45, P-115, P-125, P-142, P-145, P-223 and P-225. Availability may be limited by region.
Copyright © 2023 Paul J. Drongowski