Whither PSR Tutorial Forum?

Thank goodness the Olympics are not held every year — I wouldn’t get anything done. This year’s competition was outstanding. On to NFL football!

If you’re a Genos, Tyros or PSR person, you’ve certainly heard about the demise of the PSR Tutorial Forum by now. If it wasn’t for the Olympics, I would have been wandering around aimlessly without the company of the Forum community.

Unfortunately, the PSR Tutorial Forum was struck by the server upgrade of doom. I fear such upgrades to a limited extent myself as PHP/hosting upgrades nudge WordPress which nudges me. Running a forum, however, is a much larger headache and the underlying server upgrade forced the site’s founders and administrators to reconsider the future of the Forum. There are discussions going on in the background, so stay tuned.

In the meantime, we have the terrific Yamaha Musicians Forum run by Saul. Yamaha Musicians Forum has a broader scope than Yamaha arrangers alone. Thanks to the broader scope, I feel more comfortable making comparisons against Yamaha synths as well as arrangers. My first Yamaha keyboard was a 2-op FM CE-20 (1983). It’s in the garage and I should treat it better. 🙂 Still got the TG-500, too.

Many of the denizens of the PSR Tutorial Forum have registered at Yamaha Musicians Forum and discussions are already under way. If you haven’t made the move, c’mon over. 🙂

You might ask why I’ve never enabled comments on SandSoftwareSound.net. Fact is, moderating comments is a pain in the neck. That’s why I’m grateful to people who host, administer and moderate forums like PSR Tutorial and Yamaha Musicians. There is a lot of crazy on the Interwebs (both technical and mental) and they work through it.

It’s important to note that our current loss in PSR-land is limited to the PSR Tutorial Forum. The main PSR Tutorial site is still up and running. Feel free to dip into its many lessons, styles and other resources.

Before closing, I’d like to mention a small tidbit. About two months ago, I noted the first signs of new mid-range Yamaha arrangers (PSR-SX720 and PSR-SX920). Searching reveals a few early prototypes circulating in the far east. I saw similar indicators before SEQTRAK was publicly introduced. Stay tuned, indeed!

Copyright © 2024 Paul J. Drongowski