ARM Cortex-A72 fetch and branch processing

Let’s take a closer look at instruction fetch, decode and dispatch in the Cortex-A72 micro-architecture. These are the “front-end” stages of the core pipeline. The “back-end” of the pipeline consists of the register file(s), execution units and retirement (reorder) buffer. Branch prediction is frequently associated with the front-end since it directly affects instruction fetch.

[Update: This post is part 1 of a two part series. Part 2 discusses ARM Cortex-A72 execution and load/store operations.]

The front-end has one major job: Fetch ARMv8 instructions and keep the back-end execution units as busy as possible.

This page is required reading for Raspberry Pi 4 (BCM2711, ARM Cortex-A72) programmers who want to tune their programs for the ARM Cortex-A72. It is also necessary background information for programmers doing performance measurement with PERF (Performance Events for Linux) on Raspberry Pi 4.

Fetch, decode and dispatch

The Cortex-A72 pipeline has 15 stages. [On-line sources disagree on the length; some sources claim 14 stages.] The front-end stages are:

  • Fetch (5 stages)
  • Decode (3 stages)
  • Rename (1 stage)
  • Dispatch (2 stages)

The back-end pipeline stages are:

  • Execute (1 to 6 stages depending upon unit)
  • Write-back/retirement (2 stages)

Each execution unit has its own pipe:

  • Integer 0 (1 stage/cycle)
  • Integer 1 (1 stage/cycle)
  • Integer multi-cycle (4 to 12 cycles)
  • FP/ASIMD 0 (6 to 18 cycles)
  • FP/ASIMD 1 (6 to 32 cycles)
  • Load L1D cache hit: 4 cycles)
  • Store (1 cycle)
  • Branch (1 cycle)

See the ARM Cortex-A72 software optimization guide for exact instruction execution latencies.

ARM Cortex-A72 pipeline (Cortex-A72 Software Optimization Guide)

70 plus years after von Neumann, we still adhere to a linear, sequential program model. In the programmer’s view, there is a program counter (PC) which steps through instructions sequentially, even if some of the intended high-level computations could be performed in parallel by the execution units. Further, we force compilers to lay down instructions in the same linear, sequential fashion.

The front-end’s job is to find instruction-level parallelism (ILP) within the incoming instruction stream. The Cortex-A72 front-end translates ARMv8 instructions into micro-ops. It sends the micro-ops to the back-end functional units for execution and architecture-level retirement.

This all may seem inefficient and crazy and it is. Program representation and execution need a major re-think along the lines of the once-investigated dataflow architecture. Why do and then un-do?

Front-end translation is really two steps: translating ARMv8 instruction into macro-ops and then translating macro-ops into micro-ops. Let’s examine the details.

First, fetch acquires a 16-byte (128 bit quadword) fetch window and it recognizes ARMv8 instructions within the window (and across windows). Then, the decode stages turn the ARMv8 instructions into one or more macro-ops. The decoder will fuse multiple ARMv8 instructions into a single macro-op if such an optimization is possible. Architectural registers are renamed to an internal register file which temporarily holds intermediate results. Next, the macro-ops are translated into micro-ops and the micro-ops are dispatched to the issue queue belonging to the appropriate functional unit. Micro-ops are dispatched into 8 independent issue queues (one queue per execution pipeline). When an instruction successfully completes, it is retired and its result is committed to the architectural machine state. [I will discuss the meaning of “successfully completes” in a minute.]

There are limits on the number of ARMv8 instructions, macro-ops and micro-ops which are processed during a machine cycle:

    3 ARMv8 instructions --> 3 macro-ops --> 5 micro-ops 
Decode Rename Dispatch

During each cycle, the Cortex-A72 can decode 3 ARMv8 instructions, produce up to 3 macro-ops and dispatch up to 5 micro-ops. There are additional limitations on the number of micro-ops of each type that can be simultaneously dispatched (quoting the Cortex-A72 software optimization guide):

  • One micro-op using the Branch pipeline
  • Up to two micro-ops using the Integer pipelines
  • Up to two micro-ops using the Multi-cycle pipeline
  • One micro-op using the F0 pipeline
  • One micro-op using the F1 pipeline
  • Up to two micro-ops using the Load or Store pipeline

If there are more micro-ops to be dispatched above these limitations, they are dispatched in oldest-to-youngest age order.

According to ARM, most ARMv8 instructions are converted to a single micro-op (average: 1.08 micro-ops per instruction).

Register renaming allows micro-ops to execute out-of-order. Remember, we forced the compiler to lay down ARMv8 instructions in-order. Register renaming allows the micro-ops to execute out-of-order without violating data dependencies between architectural registers. There are 128 physical rename registers.

Speculative execution

Now the really tricky stuff — speculative execution. A basic block is a sequence of “straight-line” code with a single branch instruction at the end of the block. Program control flows into a basic block and is redirected at the end to either the same basic block or perhaps a different basic block.

Generally, basic blocks are about 9 instructions long. The branch at the end may be a conditional branch. The combination of short block length and conditional branching limits the number of ARMv8 instructions which can be aggressively fetched, decoded and dispatched within a single basic block. Without speculative execution, the processor must wait every time a conditional branch needs to be decided.

Enter branch prediction. When Cortex-A72 hits a conditional branch, it predicts the direction: taken or not taken. [More about branch prediction in a minute.] The front-end continues to fetch, decode and dispatch along the predicted control flow path. If the prediction is correct, hurray! The predictor has guessed correctly and the execution units have already been computing useful results. As each ARMv8 instruction completes along a known-to-be correct path, the instructions along the path retire in architectural order. This is the meaning of “successfully completes” above.

If a conditional branch is not predicted correctly (a “mispredict”), the intermediate results along the wrong path are discarded and the fetch stage is told to start fetching from the correct target address. This is called a “re-steer” as in the phrase “re-steering the front-end.” Recovery from a branch mispredict requires a pipeline flush and, yes, it’s expensive — at least 15 cycles.

The Write-back/retirement stage keeps track of the “retire pointer,” that is, the architectural program counter. The retirement stage is some of the most difficult hardware logic to design and it must be correct. The retirement stage maintains a reorder buffer which keeps the books on instruction and micro-op status. The reorder buffer has 128 entries, allowing up to 128 ARMv8 instructions to be simultaneously in flight.

Branch prediction

High performance rides on branch prediction accuracy. If the predictor guesses correctly most of the time, then speculative execution is a win. If the predictor guesses incorrectly, the core must throw away useless results and the execution pipeline stalls.

A deep dive into branch prediction is beyond the scope of this note. So, here’s a sketch. The predictor maintains a Pattern History Table (PHT) which retains the taken or not-taken status of (recent) branches encountered by the core. The predictor also maintains a Branch Target Buffer (BTB) containing the target addresses of these branches. The predictor uses the pattern history to predict the direction of a branch when it encounters the branch again. The BTB supplies the associated target address.

Cortex-A72 allows split BTB entries, accomodating both near branches (small target address) and far branches (large target addresses). That’s why you will see the BTB capacity quoted as 2K to 4K entries. The A72 BTB can hold as a many as 2K large target address (far) and 4K small target addresses (near). The A72 also has a micro-BTB which acts as a cache memory for the main BTB. The micro-BTB has 64 entries.

The branch prediction window is 16 bytes, which has implications for basic block layout. According to the Cortex-A72 software optimization guide, branch targets should be quadword aligned (i.e., 16 byte boundaries) and not more than two taken branches should be included with the same quadword-aligned quadword of instruction memory.

The compiler should really take care of quadword alignment and packing for you. As a higher-level language programmer, you can improve branch prediction by biasing flow conditions toward a true program path or the respective false program path. If a given path (true if-clause or false if-clause) is more frequently executed, the branch predictor should do a better job predicting the underlying conditional branch generated by the compiler.

Cortex-A72 has predictors for subroutine return and indirect branch. The predictor maintains an 8 [?] entry Call/Return Stack which remembers the most recent return addresses. Measurement shows that 8 entries (or so) are enough for most high-level language workloads, covering the most recently called functions.

Bi-mode prediction

There are three sources of interference in a Pattern History Table (PHT):
* Cold miss (compulsory alias)
* PHT capacity miss (capacity alias)
* Conflict miss (conflict alias)
Conflict misses can be reduced by partitioning the PHT or using a different
indexing scheme.

The ARM Cortex-A15 Bi-Mode predictor uses two pattern history tables and a choice predictor to reduce negative interference of branches in different
program modes. Instead of one big PHT, the pattern history is partitioned
into two halves, i.e., two smaller PHTs. A choice predictor table selects
one of the two PHTs. The chosen side delivers the final prediction.

Cortex-A72 does not employ a bi-mode predictor. In case you’re wondering, Cortex-A72 does not have a micro-op loop buffer either.

Want to learn more about Raspberry Pi 4 (Cortex-A72 / Broadcom BCM2711) performance tuning? Please read:

If you have an early model Raspberry Pi, read about the ARM11 micro-architecture here. Please don’t forget my PERF (Performance Events for Linux) tutorial.

Copyright © 2020 Paul J. Drongowski

A short trip through ARM cores

Digging around in the kernel and PERF source code, I got lost in the labyrinth of ARM products. So, I took a little time to learn about ARM’s naming conventions.

ARM have always been good at separating architecture and implementation (code technology). Architecture is what the programmer sees, rather, the behavioral standard which includes the “instruction set architecture” or “ISA.” Architecture goes beyond instruction sets and includes operating system concerns such as virtual memory, interrupts, etc.

Core technology implements architectural features. Core technology is the underlying machine organization AKA the “micro-architecture.” Depending upon the actual design, Implementation touches on pipeline length and stages, caches, translation look-aside buffers (TLB), branch predictors and all of the other circuit stuff needed for efficient, performant execution.

ARM architecture names have the form “ARMvX”, where X is the version number. The original Raspberry Pi (Broadcom2835 with ARM1176JZF-S processor) implemented the ARMv6 architecture. The current Raspberry Pi 4 (Broadcom BCM2711 with quad Cortex-A72 cores) implements the ARMv8-A architecture. ARMv8 is a multi-faceted beast and a short summary is wholly inadequate to convey its full scope. I suggest reading through the ARMv8 architectural profile on the ARM Web site. Suffice it to say here, ARMv8.2 is the latest.

ARMv8 was and is a big deal. ARMv7 was 32-bit only. ARMv8 took the architecture into 64-bit operation while retaining ARMv7 32-bit functionality. ARMv8 added a 64-bit ISA and operating system features, separating operation into the AArch32 execution state and the (then) new AArch64 execution state. It preserves backward compatibility with ARMv7.

You probably noticed that the core name “ARM1176JZF-S” (above) is neither the most informative nor does it suggests this core’s place in the constellation of ARM products. In 2005, ARM introduced a new core technology naming scheme. The naming scheme categorizes cores by series:

  • Cortex-A: Application
  • Cortex-R: Realtime
  • Cortex-M: Embedded

The series letters spell out “ARM” — clever. Cores within a series are tailored for their intended deployment environment having the appropriate mix of performance (speed), real estate (space) and power envelope.

The following table is a partial, historical roadmap of recent ARM cores:

    32-bit cores       64-bit cores (ARMx8) 
------------ ----------------------------------
Cortex-A5 Cortex-A53 2012 In-order LITTLE
Cortex-A7 Cortex-A57 2012 Out-of-order big
Cortex-A8 Cortex-A72 2015 Out-of-order big
Cortex-A9 Cortex-A73 2016 Out-of-order big
Cortex-A12 Cortex-A55 2017 In-order LITTLE
Cortex-A15 Cortex-A76 2018 Out-of-order big
Cortex-A17 Cortex-A77 2019 Out-of-order big

The 64-bit cores in the second column are a significant architectural break from the 32-bit cores in the first column. I will focus on the ARMv8 (64-bit) cores.

ARM rolled out big.LITTLE multiprocessor configuration at roughly the same time as ARMv8. With big.LITTLE, ARM vendors can design multiprocessors that are a mixture of big cores and LITTLE cores. LITTLE cores are power-efficient implementations much like ARM’s previous core designs for embedded and mobile systems — systems which consume and dissipate as little power as possible. Big cores trade higher power for higher performance. [If you really want to make digital electronics go fast, you must expend energy.] The big.LITTLE approach allows a mix of power-efficient cores and high-performing cores in a multicore system. Thus, a cell phone can spend most of its time in low power cores saving battery while hitting the high power cores when compute performance is required by the user.

The big.LITTLE approach is enabled by common cache and coherent communication bus design. The little guys and the big guys communicate through a common infrastructure. Nice.

ARMv8 LITTLE cores are in-order superscalar designs. In-order designs are simpler than out-of-order superscalar. In-order cores usually have a shorter pipeline, have fewer execution units, and do not require a big register file for renaming and delayed retirement. Out-of-order superscalar designs pull out all of the stops for performance and exploit as much instruction level parallelism (ILP) as they can discover.

The Cortex-A53 was the first ARMv8 in-order LITTLE core. ARM introduced its successor, Cortex-A55, in 2017.

The big core era began with Cortex-A57. This was ARM’s first design that rivaled Intel and AMD out-of-order x86 cores. The Cortex-A72 replaced the A57. Thus, the Raspberry Pi 4 (BCM2711) uses an older ARM big core, the Cortex-A72. [Explains my enthusiasm for a $70 o-o-o superscalar.] ARM have churned out new big cores on an annual basis ever since from its Austin and Sophia design centers.

Before pushing ahead, it’s worth mentioning that the Yamaha Montage synthesizer has an 800MHz Texas Instruments Sitara ARM Cortex-A8 single core processor and a 40MHz Fujitsu MB9AF141NA with an ARM Cortex-M3 core. The four 64-bit A72 cores in the Raspberry Pi 4 have much more compute throughput than the single 32-bit A8 core in the Yamaha Montage. The Montage (MODX) processor provides user interface and control and is not really a compute engine. The SWP70 silicon is the tone generator.

In practice

I began this dive into naming and ARM cores when I needed to determine the actual ARM core support installed with Performance Events for Linux (PERF) and the underlying kernel.

The kernel creates system files which let a program query the characteristics of the hardware platform. You might be familiar with the /proc directory, for example. There are a few such directories associated with the kernel’s performance counter interface. (See the man page for perf_event_open().) The directory:


lists the performance events supported by the processor, XXX. In the case of the Raspberry Pi 4, XXX is “armv7_cortex_a15”. I was expecting “armv8_cortex_a72”.
Supported performance events vary from core to core. Sure, there is some commonality (retired instructions, 0x08), but there are differences between cores in the same ancestral lineage! So, one must question which default events are defined with the current version of the Raspberry Pi OS.

I found the symbolic events perf_event_open() events like PERF_COUNT_HW_INSTRUCTIONS to be reasonably sane. However, beware of the branch, TLB and L2 cache events. One must be careful, in any case, since there really isn’t a precise specification for these events and actual hardware events have many nuances and subtleties which are rarely documented. [I’ve been there.] The perf_event_open() built-in symbolic events depend upon common understanding, which is the surest path to miscommunication and misinterpetation!

Copyright © 2020 Paul J. Drongowski