Genos to 60 in 4 seconds

Well, maybe two minutes. 🙂 Let’s say that you want to use Yamaha Genos™ solely as a synthesizer. Here’s a quick start or at least enough to get you familiar enough to get into the Owner’s Manual.

Turn accompaniment off

If you want to use Genos as a synth, I recommend turning the accompaniment features off. Accompaniment is all the AUTO stuff including styles, rhythm pattern and such. Press the ACMP button in the left hand corner of the front panel. If the light is off, accompaniment is off.

Select a new voice

When you power on Genos, you’ll see the HOME screen as shown below. [Click images to enlarge.]

The HOME screen is a top-level view of Genos’ current configuration. From here, you can select a voice for each of Genos’s Parts: LEFT, RIGHT1, RIGHT2, and RIGHT3. (More about this in a second or two.)

Touch the big square button for the CFX Concert Grand. In response, Genos displays the voice selection screen. The Part (RIGHT1) is shown in the upper left corner of the screen. Use the soft buttons on the left hand side of the screen to select a voice category. Then use the tabs (P1, etc.) to navigate through pages and pages of available instruments. Touch the instrument that you want to assign to the Part.

In the example above, I touched the Woodwind button, went to page 3 (P3) and selected the MOR Oboe voice. If you press the nice bright HOME button on the front panel (located just to the right of the screen), Genos will display the HOME screen and you will see the MOR Oboe voice assigned to RIGHT1. Those six bright gateway buttons are the most important shortcuts into the Genos menu system.

Parts is parts

The LEFT, RIGHT1, RIGHT2 and RIGHT3 business is a cut-down form of (Yamaha) synth parts and zones. Unlike a synth where you can create arbitrary keyboard zones, splits and layers, the Yamaha arranger concepts are more limited.

Each of LEFT, RIGHT1, RIGHT2 and RIGHT3 are voice parts which can be turned on and off. There are four voice select buttons and four voice on/off buttons in the lower right hand corner of the front panel. The voice select buttons choose the current Part for editing, etc. The voice on/off buttons turn the voice on and off, letting one add or remove a voice while playing.

LEFT, RIGHT1, RIGHT2 and RIGHT3, from the synth perspective, are also keyboard zones. In terms of voice splits, you can have a single left hand voice (LEFT) and up to three layered right hand voices (RIGHT1, RIGHT2 and RIGHT3). If you’re playing with accompaniment styles, chord recognition is often in the left hand and melody/comping is in the right hand. (This is a gross simplification; Genos has more capability for chord recognition than this.)

The screen shot below shows one of my orchestral splits. There is a cello in the left hand and there is an oboe plus flute layer in the right hand.

Ordinarily, the the split point is middle C. If you want to change the split point (and other aspects of the key layout), press the MENU gateway button on the front panel. Genos displays a page of buttons that lets you tweak tempo, transpose, MIDI, split point and fingering, and just about everything else which is Genos.

Touch the Split & Fingering button and Genos displays the screen giving control over the split point.

Press the arrow buttons to move the split point(s) around. Or, press and hold one of the three soft buttons on the left hand side of the screen. While holding one of those buttons, press the desired split point on the keyboard.

A word of caution — watch out for the RIGHT3 split point. Genos offers a little more flexibility for the RIGHT3 zone than the simple scenario that I’ve described here. Please see the Owner’s Manual page 49 for more details. Sometimes the RIGHT3 setting causes confusion. (Why don’t I hear…?)

How to remember settings

Now that you have a voice set-up, you’ll want to remember it. Genos remembers such things in registrations. A registration is a memory location that remembers all sorts of fun stuff: the current voices, the current style, tempo, MIXER settings, etc. The Owner’s Manual Chapter 7 goes into registrations in detail.

To save the current configuration, press the MEMORY button on the front panel. Then press one of the ten numbered registration buttons. The current configuration will be saved to that location (button).

Even though it’s beyond the scope of a two minute introduction, the ten registrations taken together constitute a registration bank. Genos can save and recall banks. I strongly recommend saving the entire bank to either the Genos internal memory or to a USB flash drive. Otherwise, it’s all to easy to lose your work by overwriting a button!

Extra credit

Keen eyed readers probably noticed the words “MIXER settings.” Yep, Genos has an on-screen mixer for balancing levels and other tweaks. Press the soft Mixer button at the bottom of the HOME screen to see more. BTW, when I use Genos as a synth, I set the STYLE level to zero in the MIXER. I’m paranoid and don’t want any unintended and unwanted auto accompaniment triggered when I’m playing Genos purely as a synth.

If you don’t want to deal with the MIXER, then grab those sliders and knobs! The LIVE CONTROL screen shows the currently assigned knob and slider parameters. The OLED display switches between slider and knob values whenever a slider or knob is moved. Use the KNOB ASSIGN and SLIDER ASSIGN front panel buttons to flip through parameter groups. The groups are configurable, but that is way beyond extra credit.

The Voice Part Setup screen is another way to tweak. Press the front panel VOICE gateway button. Genos displays the Voice Part Setup screen (below).

Here, you can turn Parts (voices) on and off, set levels, set pan, change the octave range, and change the DSP effect assigned to the voice. Peek and poke away!

Copyright &copy 2019 Paul J. Drongowski

Zoom Q2n-4K: Wow!

January 2nd and I’ve started my Web-scrape in advance of Winter NAMM 2019 (24-27 January 2019).

I came across a short blurb for the Zoom Q2n-4K Camera for Musicians and all I can say is “Wow!” A lot of this “Wow” comes simply from my awe at the amount of high definition functionality — video and audio — which can be packed into a small package. Oh, yeah, for $199USD:

  • Image Sensor: 1/2.3″ 16 M-flexible CMOS sensor
  • Video resolution: 4K, 1080, 720
  • Audio Formats: WAV: 96 kHz/24-bit, 48 kHz/24-bit, 44.1 kHz/16-bit
  • Display: 1.77″ four-color LCD (160 × 128)
  • Built-in Mic: Fixed 120° XY stereo mic
  • Video out: HDMI micro Type D
  • Power: 2 AA batteries or adapter

If the Q2n-4K was available in the 60s and 70s, you could have shot it to the moon on a robotic lander (issues of radiation hardening and temperature extremes aside). It would have exceeded anything available at the time for resolution, weight and power.

I may have to give the Q2n-4K a try as my trusty Roland Micro-BR is getting long in the tooth. It would make a handy recorder on Sundays when I’d like to record our music ministry in action for self-critique.

Then there is the Zoom H3-vr recorder with 4 built-in mics arranged in an Ambisonic array (below).

Take me to your leader. Take me to your leader.

It’s amazing to see and hear where 60+ years of solid state electronics has gotten us…

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

Crumar D9U: Electro 2 Sketch (Part 5)

Finally, after all of the testing, the first Crumar D9U Drawbar Controller application sketch! The sketch below changes the drawbar settings for the Nord Electro 2. The Arduino on board the D9U sends a complete snapshot of all nine drawbar settings to the Electro 2 at start-up and whenever the tactile switch is depressed. Thereafter, it sends a MIDI message to the Electro 2 whenever a slider (drawbar) is changed.

The sketch drives only the Electro 2 upper drawbars. If you need the lower drawbars, too, you can follow Crumar’s example sketch and extend my sketch.

The sketch does not use the Arduino MIDI library because we only need to send simple MIDI continuous control (CC) messages. It’s easy enough to write the necessary code ourselves.

I encountered an Arduino compiler toolchain issue while developing the sketch. I wasn’t able to initialize snapCount in the setup() function. I’ll work around this issue in future sketches and you should back-port the fix. It’s not the first time that I’ve run into an Arduino toolchain bug…

The program logic is quite simple. There are three helper functions: sendNoteOn(), sendNoteOff(), and sendMidiCC(). The sketch uses only the third function which sends a MIDI continuous control message through the Serial1 port, i.e., the Arduino Leonardo TX pin.

The setup() function initializes the digital pins and global variables, and calls sendSnapshot() to scan the analog pins, sending a MIDI CC message for each drawbar. The idea is to sync the Electro 2 with the D9U when the D9U is turned on. You should select an organ voice on the Electro 2 before turning on the D9U in order to take advantage of this feature.

The loop() function goes round and round. If the tactile switch is depressed, the sketch takes a snapshot of the analog pins (sliders) and sends a MIDI CC message for each slider (drawbar). The variable snapCount debounces the tactile switch input, preventing a flood of MIDI CC messages to MIDI OUT and the Electro 2.

After checking the tactile switch, the loop() function delays for a short time and then calls checkSliders(). The function checkSliders() keeps a copy of the most recent slider values. When it detects a change, it saves the new slider value and sends a MIDI CC message with the new value. The Electro 2 accepts drawbar values over the range from 0 to 127.

It’s rather gratifying to attach the Crumar D9U to the Electro 2 and watch the Electro’s drawbar status lights change in sync with the D9U drawbars. Cool. Fun to play, too.

If you have a Nord Electro 2 and a D9U, enjoy the sketch!

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

 * Electro2.ino: Crumar D9U sketch for Nord Electro 2

 * Author:  P.J. Drongowski
 * Address:
 * Date:    12 December 2018
 * Version: 1.0
 * A simple sketch to control the Nord Electro 2 with the
 * Crumar D9U Drawbar Controller. This sketch controls
 * the upper drawbars, but could be extended to control
 * the lower drawbars. See the Crumar sketch for
 * inspiration!
 * We assume a direct 5-pin MIDI connection from the
 * D9U to the Electro 2. Since direct MIDI is so simple,
 * the sketch does not use the Arduino MIDI library.
 * MIDI bytes are sent using Serial1.write().
 * Send on MIDI CC messages on MIDI channel 0.
 * Electro 2 MIDI continuous controllers (CC) are:
 *    Parameter       Upper CC#  Lower CC#
 *    --------------  ---------  ---------
 *    16' drawbar         16        70
 *    5 1/3' drawbar      17        71
 *    8' drawbar          18        72
 *    4' drawbar          19        73
 *    2 2/3' drawbar      20        74
 *    2' drawbar          21        75
 *    1 3/5' drawbar      22        76
 *    1 1/3' drawbar      23        77
 *    1' drawbar          24        78


// Pin definitions
#define LED_RED    15
#define LED_GREEN  16
#define BUTTON     5

// Analog pin map
int AnalogPinMap[NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS] = {
  A0, A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10
} ;

// Drawbar to MIDI CC# map
  16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24
} ;

// Global variables
int sliders[NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS] ;
#define SNAP_COUNT  (200)
int snapCount = SNAP_COUNT ;

// MIDI channel
#define CHANNEL 0

// Bias offset for incoming slider values [unused]
#define BIAS 32

void sendNoteOn(byte pitch, byte velocity) {
  Serial1.write(0x90 | CHANNEL) ;
  Serial1.write(pitch) ;
  Serial1.write(velocity) ;

void sendNoteOff(byte pitch) {
  Serial1.write(0x80 | CHANNEL) ;
  Serial1.write(pitch) ;
  Serial1.write(0) ;

void sendMidiCC(byte cc, byte value) {
  Serial1.write(0xB0 | CHANNEL) ;
  Serial1.write(cc) ;
  Serial1.write(value) ;

// Take a snapshot of the current slider state and
// send MIDI CC for all sliders. Electro 2 CC value range
// is 0 to 127.
void sendSnapshot() {
  int newValue = 0 ;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS ; i++) {
    newValue = (analogRead(AnalogPinMap[i]) & 0x3FF) / 8 ;
    sliders[i] = newValue ;
    sendMidiCC(MidiCCMap[i], newValue) ;

// Check the sliders for movement (changes). When a change
// is detected, send a MIDI CC message. Nord Electro CC
// values range from 0 to 127.
void checkSliders() {
  int newValue = 0 ;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS ; i++) {
    newValue = (analogRead(AnalogPinMap[i]) & 0x3FF) / 8 ;
    if (sliders[i] != newValue) {
      sliders[i] = newValue ;
      // Send MIDI CC message when the value changes
      sendMidiCC(MidiCCMap[i], newValue) ;
void setup() {
  // Set up pins
  pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(LED_GREEN, OUTPUT) ;

  // Set up Serial1 for MIDI via TX and RX (31,250 baud)
  Serial1.begin(31250) ;

  // Initialize the button debounce count
  // Send an initial snapshot. This operation initializes
  // the current slider values, too.
  sendSnapshot() ;

void loop() {
  if ((digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW) && (snapCount <= 0))
    // Take and send a snapshot of the sliders
    sendSnapshot() ;
    snapCount = SNAP_COUNT ;
  } else {
    snapCount-- ;

  delay(1) ;
  checkSliders() ;

Crumar D9U: Testing MIDI (Part 4)

Apologies for the delay between posts. It isn’t for lack of enthusiasm for the Crumar D9U Drawbar Controller. It’s preparation for the approaching holidays.

Today’s post is another aspect of unit testing — MIDI. The D9U has a 3.5mm MIDI OUT jack. The MIDI signals conform to the MIDI “Type B” pin-out for 3.5mm jacks. The Type B pin-out is:

    DIN      3.5mm
    -----    --------------------
    Pin 4    Tip (Current Source)
    Pin 5    Ring (Current Sink)
    Pin 2    Sleeve (Shield) 

Type B is used by Arturia, Novation, and 1010Music.

I must note that the MIDI “Type A” pin-out is going to be the standard going forward. Unfortunately, the MIDI Association didn’t get ahead of manufacturers when they began using 3.5mm jacks. For reference, the Type A pin-out is:

    DIN      3.5mm
    -----    --------------------
    Pin 4    Ring (Current Source)
    Pin 5    Tip (Current Sink)
    Pin 2    Sleeve (Shield) 

Type A is used by Akai Pro, IK Multimedia, Korg, Line 6, littleBits, and Make Noise. I found the chart below to be quite helpful in running down an appropriate adapter cable. (Source: MIDI Association 3.5mm stereo TRS to MIDI 5-pin DIN cables)

Thanks to all of the Christmas prep, I didn’t miss a step while waiting for the 1010Music adapter to arrive. (It’s Advent after all.) I detest making cables and the 1010Music adapter is reasonably priced.

I also got down to work on a MIDI test sketch for the D9U. (Code appears at the end of this post.) The sketch does not use the Arduino MIDI library because it simply sends MIDI note ON and note OFF messages through the MIDI port.

If you’re new to Arduino Leonard — the D9U’s Pro Micro is a Leonardo — you may not know that Leonard has two serial ports: Serial and Serial1. The first port, Serial is dedicated to USB communications. The second port, Serial1, is dedicated to the digital RX and TX pins, similar to Arduino UNO, et al. The naming convention sometimes confuses coders who are new to Leonardo. In our case, when we want to send MIDI, we use the Serial1 port, which must be configured for the MIDI baud rate, 31,250Hz.

The sketch repeatedly sends MIDI note ON and OFF messages such that you should hear a steady series of staccato notes when the MIDI message stream is sent to a tone generator. In my case, I connected the D9U to my trusty Yamaha QY70 sequencer and tone module.

Here’s another little twist. Leonardo is equipped with two additional LEDs: TXLED and RXLED. These LEDs flash when there is transmit and receive activity (respectively) on the USB port. The test sketch does not use the USB port (Serial), so the TXLED and RXLED are ours to play with. The four macros:

    TXLED0 ;      RXLED0 ;
    TXLED1 ;      RXLED1 ;

control the LEDs. If you compile the sketch on a regular Arduino (e.g., UNO), these macros will be flagged as undefined symbols.

Extra credit

While wading through the Type A vs. Type B nonsense, I did a few simple experiments with the D9U’s MIDI port. For example, you can check the signal levels using a digital multimeter. DIN pin 2 should read as 0 Volts (ground) while DIN pin 4 should be +5 Volts. DIN pin 5 is the data pin which pulls the MIDI current loop to ground. Please remember that MIDI is a current loop where:

  • Logic 1 → High → no current flow → Opto-isolator LED off → MIDI receiver sees High, logic ‘1’ (data bits, stop bit or idle)
  • Logic 0 → Low → current loop flow rarr; Opto-isolator LED on → MIDI receiver sees Low, logic ‘0’ (data bits, start bit)

Thanks, Wikipedia.

The sender (MIDI OUT) turns an LED on and off in the receiver (MIDI IN). The LED is part of an opto-isolator which provides electrical isolation between the sender and the receiver.

So, if you want to check out MIDI signals at the pins, all you need is an LED and a current limiting resistor (e.g., 330 ohms) in series in the current loop. The LED lights when connected in the direction of positive current flow. Here are my handwritten notes.

David Battino would be proud. David loves to add flashing LED eyes to Japanese movie monster toys and more. One of these days I’ll put all of those Godzillas in our basement toy chest to work. 🙂

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

 * MidiTest.ino: Crumar D9U MIDI and slider test

 * Author:  P.J. Drongowski
 * Address:
 * Date:    11 December 2018
 * Version: 1.0
 * This test reads the current slider values. If there is a
 * change, it prints the current slider values to the Arduino
 * serial port. Watch the values change in the IDE's Serial
 * Monitor. The incoming slider values are biased so that
 * values range reliably from 0 to 8. (Leonarkdo's Serial
 * port is dedicated to USB communications.
 * Additionally, send MIDI note ON and note OFF messages to
 * the Serial1 port. On Leonardo, Serial1 communicates via
 * the TX and RX pins.

// Pin definitions
#define LED_RED    15
#define LED_GREEN  16
#define BUTTON     5

// Analog pin map
int AnalogPinMap[NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS] = {
  A0, A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10
} ;

// Global variables
int colorMode = 0 ;
int ledMode = 0 ;
int noteState = 0 ;
int sliders[NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS] ;

// Bias offset for incoming slider values
#define BIAS 32

void sendNoteOn() {
  Serial1.write(0x90) ;
  Serial1.write(36) ;
  Serial1.write(100) ;

void sendNoteOff() {
  Serial1.write(0x90) ;
  Serial1.write(36) ;
  Serial1.write(0) ;

void changeColors() {
  if (colorMode) {
    digitalWrite(LED_RED, LOW) ;
    digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, HIGH) ;
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED_RED, HIGH) ;
    digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, LOW) ;

void printSliders() {
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS ; i++) {
    Serial.print(sliders[i]) ;
    Serial.print(" ") ;
  Serial.println("") ;

void checkSliders() {
  int changeFlag = 0 ;
  int newValue = 0 ;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS ; i++) {
    newValue = (analogRead(AnalogPinMap[i]) + BIAS ) / 128 ;
    if (sliders[i] != newValue) {
      changeFlag = 1 ; 
      sliders[i] = newValue ;
  if (changeFlag != 0) {
    // If a change was made, print current slider values
    printSliders() ;
void setup() {
  // Set up pins
  pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(LED_GREEN, OUTPUT) ;

  // Set up Serial1 for MIDI via TX and RX (31,250 baud)
  Serial1.begin(31250) ;

  colorMode = 0 ;
  noteState = 0 ;

  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS ; i++) {
    sliders[i] = -1 ;

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW) {
    colorMode = 0 ;
  } else {
    colorMode = 1 ;

  // Make the TX and RX LEDs flash in sync with the notes.
  // The TX and RX LEDs are Leonardo only. Remove the code
  // below when compiling for Arduino UNO, etc.
  if (ledMode) {
    ledMode = 0 ;
    TXLED1 ;
    RXLED0 ;    
  } else {
    ledMode = 1 ;
    TXLED0 ;
    RXLED1 ;
  if (noteState != 0) {
    sendNoteOn() ;
    noteState = 0 ;
  } else {
    sendNoteOff() ;
    noteState = 1 ;

  delay(100) ;
  changeColors() ;
  checkSliders() ;

Crumar D9U: What went wrong? (Day 3)

People who build stuff are optimists. Even just a little.

After slaving over a hot soldering iron (or bit of code), there comes the moment of truth. Of course, we all hope and believe that everything will run just fine when power is turned on.

Thus, I was a little bit bummed when I ran my drawbar test sketch (Arduino program) and saw that the second drawbar was unresponsive.

Hey, PJ, how did you debug and fix this thing?

First and foremost, I want to emphasize the importance of diagnostic tests. My test sketch told me conclusively that the second drawbar was busted. The test not only said, “Houston, we have a problem,” but the test also told me where to look for the problem — the second drawbar. Explicit testing is much better than trying to test and debug hardware with the application sketch itself, i.e., the sample sketch provided by Crumar.

Knowing that the second drawbar was bunged, I whipped out my digital multimeter and did a few simple electrical tests. I usually assume good components, but it was easy to check the second slide pot. Yep, the meter read out the expected resistance. Then I did quick continuity and resistance checks back to the appropriate Arduino analog pin. Thank heavens for the sample sketch because I quickly worked out the pin map (Arduino Pro Micro):

          TX o    o RAW
          RX o    o GND
         GND o    o RST
         GND o    o VCC
         SDA o    o A3    Draw4
         SCL o    o A2    Draw3
  Draw5   A6 o    o A1    Draw2  <---
             o    o A0    Draw1
  Draw6   A7 o    o SCLK
             o    o MISO
  Draw7   A8 o    o MOSI
  Draw8   A9 o    o A10   Draw9

I numbered the drawbars (left to right) starting with one. The Crumar schematics numbers the drawbars from zero. [Oh, well.]

This was a good time to check the batteries in the multimeter. Whoops, 2017. Good, fair or poor, I replaced the batteries with fresh ones.

I didn't find anything out of the ordinary, so I began the usual prayer, "Dear Lord, I hope I didn't blowed up the chip." I did not relish the thought of replacing the Arduino Pro Micro -- all 24 pins of it.

My soldering skills are good, but not perfect. Plus, the large holes and the excessive amount of solder consumed by the slide pot leads immediately made me suspect a bad soldering joint.

In order to test this theory, I tried jumpering the voltage from the first drawbar slider to the Arduino A1 pin while watching the sketch's output in the IDE Serial Monitor. Perhaps an internal pull-up (or something) didn't change the A1 signal or the output from the sketch.

Then it was time to play "which of these isn't like the others" with the multimeter and with the power on. Ah-ha. The voltage at the SIGN #2 pad did not change when sliding the pot to a new position. The rest of the SIGN pads responded correctly. Not conclusive evidence for a bad solder joint, but more hope than a blown up Arduino.

The next step was to fire up the iron and retouch the pot leads for the second drawbar. It takes longer for the iron to heat up than to do the touch up. Damn, these leads suck down solder.

After letting things cool, I plugged the Arduino back in and voila, the second drawbar now responds correctly. Thank you, test sketch.

When testing pot resistance, I noted some variability in resistance across the 9 pots. I hope the variability doesn't affect behavior when I get down to transmitting MIDI values. Maybe everything will act like a well-worn B3? Sometimes higher resistance is due to a marginal solder joint, but I'm not anxious to touch up every pot connection lest I introduce a worse problem. More testing ahead.

If you landed here, check out Day One in this series of blog posts about the Crumar D9U Drawbar Controller kit.

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

Crumar D9U: Slip slidin’ (day 2)

Today I completed most of the remaining assembly of the Crumar D9U Drawbar Controller. The work entailed:

  1. Combining the Arduino control board and the main PCB.
  2. Installing the drawbar slide pots on the bottom of the chassis.
  3. Soldering the main PCB to the slide pots and soldering the DIL connections to the Arduino control board.
  4. Installing colored plastic caps on the drawbars.

Overall, the work went well. Here’s a few observations and tips.

  • When the instructions say make the DIL flat and straight on the control board, they really mean it! The receiving holes on the main PCB are quite small and if that DIL isn’t straight, good luck. Even with a straight DIL, it took some finagling to pass the pins through the holes.
  • The control board and main PCB are joined by two long-ish bolts with spacers between the boards. The nuts are really tight. You will not be able to hold the nuts in place with fingers alone. I used needle nose pliers to hold the nuts while turning the bolts. Be careful not to damage the Arduino when using the pliers. I did bend a pin.
  • Experience with the main PCB and the slider pins was similar although these holes are larger and more accommodating. Gently straighten any bent pins.
  • Speaking of large holes, crimp the pot leads against the main PCB pads to make good electrical contact. These holes eat solder like crazy. You should rely on the solder to maintain electrical contact, not to be the electrical bridge itself.
  • The colored caps fit OK, but you will need to use a far bit of force to drive the screws into the caps for a firm result. The white knobs still have a tiny amount of play, but I was afraid to over-tighten the screws and strip the plastic.

The D9U is built like a warship although the tight fit of nuts and screws makes for a slightly stressful assembly job.

I forget to suggest one tip in yesterday’s blog post. If you have a breadboard available, it makes a nice jig for installing DILs and other components that you need to keep straight. Push the DIL into the breadboard, lay the board on top, and then solder away. I usually try to tack one or two corners first and then check for straightness, etc. If the DIL ain’t straight, it’s a lot easier to remove the tack from two pins (using a solder sucker or braided copper tape) than to remove solder from all 16 pins!

See my first blog post about the D9U for pictures of the pieces and parts in the kit.

Slider test sketch

Here is the code for a quick slider test. It prints the slider values to the Arduino IDE’s Serial Monitor. This sketch is already earning its keep — the second drawbar slider is not changing. The other eight sliders are changing just fine. I have some hardware debugging to do!

 * SliderTest.ino: Crumar D9U initial test

 * Author:  P.J. Drongowski
 * Address:
 * Date:    7 December 2018
 * Version: 1.0
 * This test reads the current slider values. If there is a
 * change, it prints the current slider values to the Arduino
 * serial port. Watch the values change in the IDE's Serial
 * Monitor.

// Pin definitions
#define LED_RED    15
#define LED_GREEN  16
#define BUTTON     5

// Analog pin map
int AnalogPinMap[NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS] = {
  A0, A1, A2, A3, A6, A7, A8, A9, A10
} ;

// Global variables
int colorMode = 0 ;
int sliders[NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS] ;

void changeColors() {
  if (colorMode) {
    digitalWrite(LED_RED, LOW) ;
    digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, HIGH) ;
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED_RED, HIGH) ;
    digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, LOW) ;

void printSliders() {
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS ; i++) {
    Serial.print(sliders[i]) ;
    Serial.print(" ") ;
  Serial.println("") ;

void checkSliders() {
  int changeFlag = 0 ;
  int newValue = 0 ;
  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS ; i++) {
    newValue = analogRead(AnalogPinMap[i]) / 128 ;
    if (sliders[i] != newValue) {
      changeFlag = 1 ; 
      sliders[i] = newValue ;
  if (changeFlag != 0) {
    // If a change was made, print current slider values
    printSliders() ;
void setup() {
  // Set up pins
  pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(LED_GREEN, OUTPUT) ;

  colorMode = 0 ;

  for (int i = 0 ; i < NUMBER_OF_SLIDERS ; i++) {
    sliders[i] = -1 ;

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW)
    colorMode = 0 ;
  } else {
    colorMode = 1 ;

  delay(100) ;
  changeColors() ;
  checkSliders() ;

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

Crumar D9U: Day one

This time of year, the Sun is low in the sky and its morning rays shine bright in the dining room, AKA my downstairs work area. The morning sunlight is perfect for close-in soldering.

I started to assemble the Crumar D9U Drawbar Controller today. Wow, the pads are small, so if you’re following my lead and building the D9U kit, be sure to use a small soldering tip and low wattage iron.

Assembly instructions and schematic are available on the Crumar D9U Web page.

Here’s a few quick observations.

  • One needs to bend the resistor leads quite close to the resistor body in order to fit them to the PCB holes. Be prepared for close work. Snip the leads as you go; don’t try to snip everything at the end. The pad spacing is that small.
  • The assembly instructions note the correct placement (polarity) of the LEDs. Please also note that the short lead is also denoted by a flat edge along the side of the LED plastic. Be double sure of polarity.
  • The DIL strip as shipped is actually two 1×8 strips. I prefer DIL when possible, so I substituted a 2×8 DIL from my component larder. It is much easier to mount a DIL than two 1x8s. I use a small bit of masking tape (painter’s tape) to hold the DIL in place until I can tack one or two pins.
  • Fortunately, the SIL terminals were pre-installed on the Arduino Pro Micro. Sometimes ya lose and sometimes ya win!
  • Crimp component leads to hold components against the PCB before soldering. This helps electrical contact between the leads and the PCB as well as holding the components in place while soldering.

Check the solder joints using a magnifying glass. Each joint should be nice and shiny. The morning sun helps — a lot.

DIY coders: Read this!

If you intend to write your own code, be sure to read the description of the sample Arduino script. You’ll find this info at the end of the assembly instructions. Be sure to read the fine print!

The sample script uses the USBMidi library and turns the D9U into a MIDI class-compliant USB controller.If you compile and download the script to the Arduino, Windows (or MacOS) will henceforth recognize the D9U as a MIDI device, not an Arduino.

Further complicating things, that tactile switch is not a reset switch. In order to reset the Arduino, you must short the reset pin to ground as shown in the instructions. Reset gives you a short window in which to download a new Arduino script.

Man, I’m glad that I read this now. I do not intend to use the D9U as a MIDI class-compliant device. I want to use it as a 5-pin MIDI controller. Plus, I know that I need to construct custom scripts for the Yamaha Genos/PSR and MODX. Development always involves trial and error (AKA “implementation and testing”). I don’t want to constantly reset the Arduino just to download a new script.

The lights are on

Once I assembled the Arduino control board, I downloaded the latest Arduino Integrated Development Environment (IDE v1.8.8) and wrote a quick test script. (See code below.) The script toggles the LEDs on and off using the tactile switch. Yep, the Arduino is an “Arduino Leonardo” board.

Next stop: Mounting the control board and the drawbars.

BTW, I’m not sure about the description of the MIDI 3.5mm jack cable wiring (“Type B”) as described in the instructions. Clearly, I’ll have to come to grips with the pin-out RSN.

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

 * InitialTest.ino: Crumar D9U initial test

 * Author:  P.J. Drongowski
 * Address:
 * Date:    6 December 2018
 * Version: 1.0

// Pin definitions
#define LED_RED    15
#define LED_GREEN  16
#define BUTTON     5

// Global variables
int colorMode = 0 ;

void changeColors()
  if (colorMode) {
    digitalWrite(LED_RED, LOW) ;
    digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, HIGH) ;
  } else {
    digitalWrite(LED_RED, HIGH) ;
    digitalWrite(LED_GREEN, LOW) ;
 void setup() {
  // Set up pins
  pinMode(LED_RED, OUTPUT) ;
  pinMode(LED_GREEN, OUTPUT) ;

  colorMode = 0 ;

void loop() {
  if (digitalRead(BUTTON) == LOW)
    colorMode = 0 ;
  } else {
    colorMode = 1 ;

  delay(1000) ;
  changeColors() ;

Crumar D9U in the house!

When I saw the Crumar D9U Drawbar Controller, I knew “Man, I have got to get one of these.” Und, I did.

In short, the D9U is an Arduino-based drawbar controller done right. It has nine real drawbars, a MIDI OUT mini-jack and is USB powered through the Arduino Pro Micro which provides the brains. Because it’s Arduino, it’s programmable. Yes, you can, will and should write your own sketches.

If you’re interested, I recommend downloading the ZIP file on the Crumar D9U page. The ZIP file contains assembly instructions, a sketch to get your coding started, and a schematic. The assembly instructions are top-notch.

I haven’t assembled the D9U yet, but here is a mock-up to show you what it will eventually look like. [Click on images to enlarge.]

Best yet, the entire unit is housed in a very sturdy metal case.

One of the biggest challenges in DIY is building or finding a suitable case for the finished project. The D9U case is hefty and gig-worthy. Honest to goodness, the case, the drawbars and the knobs are enough to justify an order (and the price).

I placed my order through My Rig Shop, which is located in Italy. Not to worry, fulfillment was excellent and took only a few days — quite good for an international order.

The pictures below show you just what you’ll get if you order the D9U kit.

If you don’t feel up to assembling the D9U, My Rig Shop also sells a fully assembled unit (at a higher price, of course).

Please stay tuned! I’ve been itching to build and the D9U arrived at just the right moment. Yamaha Genos™/PSR and Yamaha MODX will require custom sketches, but that is still far down the road. First, I need an up-and-running D9U.

The other big questions is “Where am I going to put the D9U when I play?” First things first.

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

MODX: Quick thoughts

The Yamaha synth folks recently posted an IdeaScale appeal for people willing to participate in a phone interview concerning Montage and synths. Fortunately, I was able to snag an interview slot.

Here’s just a few thoughts that are on my mind. I’m quite happy with both the MODX sound and user interface (UI) although I think there are a few ideas that they could take from the Yamaha Genos™ workstation.

First biggie. Both the Montage/MODX and Genos/PSR instruments would benefit from tighter integration and better direct support from Cubase, and especially, Cubasis. Quite a few users were upset when Yamaha dropped the relatively full featured Motif/MODX sequencer in favor of the Performance Recorder. The likely presumption is that most musicians will use a DAW instead of a built-in sequencer. Well, maybe Yamaha went to far for some users.

I’m not quite so bummed out about the Performance Recorder. But, I often get the impression that Steinberg and Cubase are marching in their own direction. When I spoke with Nithin Cherian at Music Expo Boston, he explained how Yamaha product groups need to come to Steinberg with requests in order to create the overall customer experience with a product. Perhaps it’s a matter of making requests to Steinberg? Yamaha have quite a good asset in Cubase and I’m surprised that it isn’t exploited more strategically across product lines.

Seems like Cubasis (yes, Cubasis) could be an important part of the solution for both synths and arrangers. [The arranger sequencer is showing its age and is sometimes difficult to work with.] Tight coupling with Montage/MODX could eliminate the need for a full-featured built-in sequencer. At the very least, users should be able to select Performances easily and to configure effects from Cubasis. It should be special to use a Yamaha synth or arranger via Cubasis (or Cubase, for that matter). The existing Montage/MODX UI covers much of the same territory as the old Motif/MOX iPad apps and that functionality doesn’t need to be duplicated.

Speaking of iPad (tablet-based) apps, Yamaha app development seems to be stalled. This is just a personal, subjective impression, of course. Mobile Music Sequencer has not been updated for Montage/MODX or Genos, for example. I understand that development resources (e.g., engineers) are limited, so maybe Cubasis is the right platform to invest in going forward?

BTW, when it comes to apps, I feel like there are too many islands and not enough bridges between islands. For example, I should be able to transfer a MIDI file developed in Cubasis to some other app without making a trip through iTunes or Dropbox.

Second biggie. The Montage/MODX Live Set concept, Scenes and Motion Control are wonderful tools for live performance. In a few cases, however, the flow on Genos is smoother than the synths. Here’s an example. Many musicians play in a single or duo with backing tracks. Currently, it takes several steps to select a Performance, load a WAV file, set the audio volume level, and start play back. This is a very streamlined flow on an arranger thanks to the arranger registration concept. I’d love to see Live Set buttons be extended in a similar way. [Arranger registrations get to be a dumping ground for parameters that rightfully belong in a Performance, so a careful separation of concerns/features is appropriate here.] Perhaps Live Set buttons can be extended to remember the path to an audio file on a USB flash drive and the initial volume setting? Then, a user can select a Performance and load an audio file in one button touch.

I prefer WAV audio for backing tracks. For the past 3 to 4 years, I produce the backing track on an arranger and then record (freeze) the track to WAV. It simply is soooooo much easier to massage commercial tracks on an XG-based arranger. Yamaha Musicsoft is my favorite source for commercial tracks.

Here are several smaller suggestions.

  1. The MODX doesn’t have the big bank of front panel selection buttons like Montage. The Live Set buttons are too small and sometimes the touch screen isn’t responsive enough during live performance. I’ve got to switch Performances in a hurry when I play. (Please don’t suggest a foot switch. 🙂 )
  2. The front panel buttons have a nice positive feel. I may experient with Live Set button layout such that I can use cursor buttons to change Performance on the fly.
  3. I compensate for the loss of selection buttons (somewhat) by using Scenes. The sound cuts out when switching scenes. [Maybe this is something I need to fix in my Scene programming.] I would love to have Scene titles (i.e., a text name in a 24-point font) that is displayed on the screen — positive visual feedback that I’ve selected the correct Scene.
  4. The placement of some fields on control assignment pages is confusing. Usually I think of source first sending to a destination. Plus, I always mistake the control filter fields for actual parameter fields.
  5. Control Assign makes it very easy to set up new control relationships. However, it takes a lot of effort to deconstruct (reverse engineer) existing control relationships and edit them.
  6. In Live Set, SHIFT+INC and SHIFT+DEC change the Live Set page. This is a little awkward when making fast changes. Perhaps a way to change the page which doesn’t require SHIFT?

Third biggie. Sound.

Montage/MODX sound quality is excellent. What can be done to make it better?

It would be great if the Montage/MODX adopted Articulation Element Modeling (AKA Super Articulation 2). I realize that it may be difficult to fully edit AEM through the synth UI. Maybe a computer-based application? I love AEM/SArt2 on Genos.

With respect to articulations (and control), here’s two wild ideas:

  1. In addition to assignable buttons for articulation control, add key switching similar to what’s found in VST-land.
  2. Allow user scripting. What else is a synth, but a MIDI controller and a tone generator. Why not make MIDI control programmable through user scripts?

To my ears, Yamaha have clearly invested effort in B-3 organ and rotary speaker emulation. However, musicians on both synth and arranger forums still regard the Neo Instruments Vent II as the “gold standard” for rotary speaker emulation. If the next Montage is to be a clone-killer, it needs to beat the Vent II. [Will Yamaha exploit U.S. Patent 9,899,016?]

I would love to take a MODX Performance and automatically turn it into a Genos voice. Yeah, probably isn’t a problem for the synth people to solve. However, the voice editing in Yamaha Expansion Manager (YEM) really, really lags.

Fourth biggie. Sequencing multi-part Performances via MIDI.

I’m sure you’ve heard this one before. 🙂 I haven’t deep dived MODX sequencing (yet), but I understand there is an issue with sequencing multi-part Performances from a DAW. Perhaps the solution is a map from MIDI channel to one-or-more Parts? This solution breaks the hard binding between MIDI channel and Part.

Final Biggie. People love getting updates! Updates are truly a hit with the user base — including me. 🙂 Social media forums always chatter about the next update and updates are a great way to create continuing interest in Montage/MODX. Please keep the updates coming!

Whew! A longer and discussion than I thought! None-the-less, I really enjoy the MODX. It’s light weight and sound make it a terrific gig machine.

P.S. The last time I participated in an interview, I wrote an MOX retrospective. It describes some of my use cases, flow and general concerns.

MULTI FX: It’s for organ, too!

Every now and again, a question pops up on a forum that is worth reposting here. A member of the MODX forum inquired about distortion effects for drawbar organ.

Yamaha has introduced new DSP effects with every generation of synth and arranger. Unless you don’t have a life (and I resemble that remark), you’re probably not steeped in the history of Yamaha effect algorithms (AKA “effect types”.) Some of the amp simulations (e.g., AMP SIM 1) have been around a loooooong time.

When it comes to distortion or overdrive, I start with the effects added with the Motif XF version 1.5 update:


Of course, you’ll find these effects on Montage and MODX, too. BTW, These same effect types (algorithms) are available on Genos, Tyros 5 and a few other Yamaha arrangers. On arrangers, they are called “Real Distortion.” The arranger presets are voiced differently to fit the needs of arranger styles.

The “All 9 Bars!” Performance insert effects perform distortion and rotary speaker emulation. The effect routing is:

    Insert B --> Insert A

where Insert B is MULTI FX and Insert A is Rotary Speaker 1.

MULTI FX is effectively a chain of guitar pedal effects and is quite versatile. The effect parameters for “All 9 Bars!” are:

    1  Comp. Sustain   2.0
    2  Wah SW          Off
    3  Wah Pedal       0
    4  Dist SW         Clean
    5  Dist Drive      1.8
    6  Dist EQ         Hi Boost
    7  Dist Tone       1.5
    8  Dist Presence   5.0
    9  Output Level    100
   10  --
   11  Speaker Type    Twin
   12  LFO Speed       7.738Hz
   13  Phaser SW       Off
   14  Delay SW        Echo 1 St
   15  Delay Ctrl      40
   16  Delay Time      48

The Compressor Sustain stage is always on. Here, the Wah and Phaser are turned off. So, after the compressor, the rest of the chain applies distortion, amp simulation (Twin) and delay. Arranger people might want to try the MULTI FX with these parameter settings in order to spice up the rather polite drawbar organ voices. Then, crank the parameters!

There’s plenty to tweak here. I recommend reading Phil’s blog covering the new effects in Motif XF version 1.5:

If MULTI FX doesn’t get the sound that your looking for, then maybe one of the other “Real Distortion” effects will get the job done.

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski