Genos sound alike voices on MODX

I love kicking back in the afternoon and playing some old classic tunes from the 60s and beyond. The Yamaha Genos™ is a great machine for producing backing tracks and for jamming against them.

I spent a fair amount of time selecting the appropriate instrument for each cover tune. Now, I’d like to play the MODX over the same backing tracks and perhaps keep the same voices.

Time to play “What’s that voice?”

The Yamaha arranger keyboards and synthesizers share a lot of the same sonic DNA. This is a theme that I’ve written about in earlier blog posts. Sometimes the arranger voice and the MODX Performance share the same name. Sometimes you need to find a sound-alike. And, as I’ve learned, sometimes I need to do some MODX programming to get what I want.

The table below is a quick, rough correspondence between my favorite Genos voices and a MODX Performance (or two, or three). In the case of multiple mappings, the preferred Performance is marked with a star (“*”).

    MODX Performance         Genos Voice
    -----------------------  -----------------------
    TC Clean Pick            SingleCoilClean
    Clean Ballad Pick        SingleCoilClean
    TC Clean Pick            VintageAmp (BRITISH LEGEND CLEAN)
    Dual Coil Slap Vel       Slapback (ROCKABILLY))
    Clean Fingers            50sVintagePure (MULTI FX OLDIES DELAY)
    Melodic Jazz             JazzGuitarClean
    Fat Oil Jazz AF1&2       JazzArtistGuitar
    Jazz Blues               JazzGuitarAmp (MULTI FX OLDIES DELAY)
    Jazz Guitar              JazzGuitarClean (JAZZ COMBO)
    Crunchy Guitar           MetalMaster
    Hard Drive               MetalMaster
    Hard Ramp                MetalMaster

    Tenox Max                Rock Sax
    SoftTenorSaxLegato       SmoothTenorSax
    Sweet Flute AF1          JazzFlute
    Concert Flute            OrchestralFlute
    Latin Flutist*           OrchestralFlute
    Oboe1 AF1                OrchestralOboe
    Oboe2*                   OrchestralOboe
    Clarinet 1 AF1           OrchestralClarinet
    OrchClarinet             BalladClarinet
    Flute & Clari            Clarinet&Flutes
    Bluz Distort             BluesHarp
    FM Accordion 1           JazzAccordian

    Dynamic Brass            DynamicBrass
    Mixed Sax Section        SaxSection
    FM JP Brass              80sSynthBrass
    Simple Saw Brass         80sSynthBrass
    Flugelhorn               Flugelhorn

    Soft Case                70sSuitcaseTrem (E-PIANO TREMOLO)
    Rd Old                   70sSuitcaseClean
    Contempo*                SuitcaseEP
    Hard Vintage             SuitcaseEP
    Wr Rock                  70sVintageEP

    Vibraphone               Vibraphone
    Vibes                    JazzVibes

    Soft RnB                 SoftR&B
    Singleline 1             WireLead
    SingleLine 2*            WireLead
    WindSynth                WireLead
    VeloMaster               VelocityMaster
    Bleep Lead AF2           BleepLead
    Detuned Vintage          DetunedVintage
    FM Syn Lead 2*           FusionLead
    Straight RB              FusionLead
    Saw Lead                 FusionLead
    Dynamic Mini             BrightMini
    Whistle                  Whistle
    Early Lead               Oxygen
    Saw Lead                 Oxygen

    Big Strings              ButterStrings
    Analog                   AnalogPad
    Dark Light               DarkFatSaw
    VP Soft                  VPSoft
    Feeling                  LightPad
    Dark Atmo Pad            NewAtmosphere
    Angel Eyes               DarkAngelPad
    NighttrainToMunich       NightMotion
    Gospel Hmm               Mmh, GospelVoices
    Boy Choir MW Xfade       GothicVox

    All Out None             AllBarsOutFast
    Fully                    AllBarsOutFast
    Bowed Bars CV            CurvedBars, UpsideDownSmile
    Draw Organ               BalladOrgan
    Whiter Bars              WhiterBars
    Jazz 2nd Perc + C3       RotarySwitch
    Vx Full Bars*            60sOrgan, Italian60sOrgan
    Clean                    60sOrgan
    1967 Keys                60sOrgan

Even when the name matches (e.g., Bleep Lead), you’ll find slight differences in programming. The basic sound is there, but maybe one implementation will open up the filter dynamically, or maybe it will have a longer portamento time. These differences are easy to iron out, if they’re important at all.

Occasionally, a Performance and its corresponding Genos voice responds differently due to Expanded Articulation vs. Super Articulation programming. Such differences are fundamental to the arranger or synthesizer design. I’ll just need to keep mental notes about what to do where when playing, that is, push an assignable function button or some other gesture. If a Super Articulation voice is based on a Mega Voice, then chances are good that one can find a way to get a similar result on MODX using Expanded Articulation (XA).

Of course, the Super Articulation 2 (Articulated Element Modeling) technology does not carry over to MODX (Montage). Super Articulation 2 (SArt2) stitches successive notes together, blending tone heads, tails and bodies in real time depending upon the playing gesture. SArt2 requires additional samples and computation which are not implemented in MODX (Montage).

Not so easy are a few of the electric guitar voices. Electric guitar tone depends heavily upon the DSP effect chain. The Genos VintageAmp voice is a good example. It’s a single coil guitar driving the British Legend Clean effect. I couldn’t find a MODX preset to match. However, I quickly cooked up a Performance starting with the TC Clean Pick Performance (a single coil Telecaster). It was a piece of cake to put the British Legend clean effect into the signal chain. Voila — a new sound-alike Performance!

Copyright © 2019 Paul J. Drongowski

Yamaha piano voice programming

Most of my live playing adds orchestral instruments or B-3 organ to our liturgical church group (synth plus 12-string guitar plus grand piano). Thus, I don’t dip into either acoustic piano or electric piano too often.

Recently, we prepared a number of gospel tunes in honor of Dr. Martin Luther King. Rather than jump to B-3, I decided to practice a few songs on electric piano. The release of the new Yamaha CP73/CP88 was nearly coincident, and naturally, I became curious about the implementation of acoustic and electric piano on MODX, the closest cousin to the CP73/CP88. It also gave me a chance to explore EP on Genos™ and to try using Genos as a controller for MODX.

MODX acoustic pianos

First, a dive into MODX acoustic pianos. Montage and MODX essentially have the same sound engine, modulo differences in polyphony and a few other details that aren’t relevant to this discussion. Therefore, anything I say about MODX should apply to Montage, too.

The basic voice programming unit in MODX is a Performance. A Performance is a versatile “container” for up to 16 Parts. Parts can be split, layered, mixed and so forth. Each Part is itself a powerful programming unit consisting of up to eight Elements, where each Element is a mini, sample-playback synthesizer. (Yeah, yeah, or it could be FM.) That, in a nutshell, is the hierarchical programming breakdown. In Yamaha-speak, each Element plays back a Waveform.

The deal is, contemporary high-quality piano voices need several levels of velocity switching in order to generate the wide dynamic range and timbre of an acoustic or electric piano. These voices are sometimes called “multi-strike” because each note is struck and sampled at several, carefully controlled velocities.

In the Yamaha voice architecture, each strike level is encoded in a Waveform. One Waveform (i.e., the samples associated with a single strike level) is assigned to an Element.

Let’s say that you want to create a highly detailed acoustic piano (e.g., Yamaha CFX) with nine strike levels and key-off sounds. Right away, you need more Elements than a single Part can provide! Thus, Yamaha implement the piano as a Performance consisting of multiple Parts.

Take the Montage/MODX CFX Concert Performance, for example. This Performance consists of four Parts:

Part 1 (six elements)

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   CFX ppp St       2   25  C-2   G8
     2   CFX pp St       20   35
     3   CFX p St        36   45
     4   CFX mp St       46   59
     5   CFX mf St       60   74
     6   CFX f St        75   92

Part 2  (three elements)

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   CFX ff St       93  110  C-2   G8
     2   CFX fff St     111  125
     3   CFX ffff St    126  127

Part 3 (eight elements)

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   CFX pp St        2   35  C-2   G8
     2   CFX p St        36   45
     3   CFX mp St       46   59
     4   CFX mf St       60   74
     5   CFX f St        75   92
     6   CFX ff St       93  110
     7   CFX fff St     111  125
     8   CFX ffff St    126  127

Part 4 (one element, XA control: Key Off)

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   CFX KeyOff St    1  127  C-2   G5

That’s 18 Elements total. The Elements in Part 3 are a layer on top of the Elements in Parts 1 and 2. The Elements in Part 3 have different filter programming (and maybe something I haven’t discovered yet…)

Perhaps the voice programmer could have squeezed everything into three Parts, but in for a penny, in for a pound. In terms of versatility and re-usability, it makes sense to split the Elements (and their Waveforms) into four Parts.

By the way, the Montage/MODX CFX Concert Performance employes the Damper Resonance DSP effect, which is the same algorithm (effect type) as Genos. Damper Resonance is [u]not[/u] the same as Clavinova’s Virtual Resonance Modeling (VRM). VRM is a step up. This is another topic which comes up frequently in forums.

On the other hand, the single part MODX CFX Stage Performance consists of eight elements:

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   CFX pp St        2   35  C-2   G5
     2   CFX mp St       36   59  C-2   G5
     3   CFX f St        60   92  C-2   G5
     4   CFX fff St      93  125  C-2   G5
     5   CFX ffff St    126  127  C-2   G5
     6   CFX mf St        2   59  G#5   G8
     7   CFX fff St      60  127  G#5   G8
     8   CFX KeyOff St    1  127  C-2   G5

Please take note of the key ranges. Up to G5, the CFX Stage has five strike levels. Above G5, the CFX Stage is a two strike piano. Good enough for rock and roll.

The Genos voice programming structure is more restricted than MODX. Each Genos voice has eight Elements. Thus, there is a fundamental limit to the number of strikes in a single Genos voice. I wouldn’t be surprised if the Genos CFX Concert Grand voice has similar programming. Proving this hypothesis would require carefully controlled experimentation and A/B listening.

Using Genos as a controller

Genos has a rather nice FSX action keybed which is better suited for acoustic and electric piano than MODX6 or MODX7. A weighted action is even better, of course. [I did rather enjoy playing the MODX8.] I don’t play piano often enough to deal with the extra physical weight of a hammer action keybed. You make your own bed and have to lay it in! With Genos on hand, it’s worth exploiting its FSX action as a controller.

MODX assigns a MIDI channel to each Part. The CFX Concert Performance has four Parts on MIDI channels 1, 2, 3 and 4. [This assignment is sometimes a source of frustration when sequencing with multi-Part Performances, but that’s a topic for another day.]

If we want to use Genos as a controller, we need to know the MIDI transmit channel assignments. By default, the Genos sends RIGHT1, RIGHT2, RIGHT3 and LEFT on MIDI channels 1, 2, 3, and 4 respectively, all on Port1 (AKA “MIDI A”).

First, connect the Genos MIDI A OUT to the MODX MIDI IN using a standard 5-pin DIN MIDI cable. Select the MODX Performance. Next, turn on the Genos Parts (RIGHT1, etc.) which will send MIDI data to the MODX, using the PART ON/OFF buttons in the left right corner of the Genos front panel. Finally, play.

If you get surprised by what you hear, i.e., sounds are missing, then check the Genos MIDI transmit settings and the MODX MIDI receive settings. Use the Transmit Monitor on the Genos side to make sure that you are transmitting on the correct channels via MIDI A (Port 1).

When I connect Genos to MODX, I can the first three MODX Parts in the CFX Grand Performance by sending RIGHT1, RIGHT2 and RIGHT3 on MIDI channels 1, 2 and 3. You get a pretty decent concert grand. You won’t hear any of the key-off sounds because the Genos is not transmitting on channel 4.

MODX electric piano

Let’s take a brief look at one of my favorite MODX Rhodes piano Performances: Case 73 Soft. The Case 73 Soft Performance has two Parts:

Part 1 (eight elements)

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   Rd73 p           1   49  C-2   G8
     2   Rd73 mp         50   85  C-2   G8
     3   Rd73 mf         86  108  C-2   G8
     4   Rd73 f         109  119  C-2   G8
     5   Rd73 ff        120  127  C-2   G8
     6   Rd73 KeyOff      1  127  C-2   E3
     7   Rd73 KeyOff      1  127   F3   C7
     8   EP2 Hard1+     107  127  C-2   G8

Part 2 (five elements)

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   Rd KeyNoise p    1   84  C-2   G8
     2   Rd KeyNoise mf  85  116  C-2   G8
     3   Rd KeyNoise f  117  127  C-2   G8
     4   Rd KeyOff mf    86  116  C-2   G8
     5   Rd KeyOff f    117  127  C-2   G8

Part 1 produces the main Rhodes sound while Part 2 adds the key noises. Part 1 is probably good enough by itself for sequencing. Performance Rd73 has similar programming, but adds bark when struck hard.

In order to play this two part MODX Performance from Genos, turn on RIGHT1 and RIGHT2 in order to send MIDI data on Port 1 channels 1 and 2.

Just for grins, here’s the basic programming for the Neo R&B Clean Performance — another favorite.

Part 1 (five elements)

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   EP3 Soft1        2   80  C-2   G8
     2   EP3 Soft2       81  101  C-2   G8
     3   EP1 Med        102  127   F2   G8
     4   EP3 Hard1      102  127  C-2   E2
     5   EP Key Off       2  127  C-2   G8

Part 2 (five elements)

    El#  Waveform       VLo  VHi  NLo  NHi
    ---  -------------  ---  ---  ---  ---
     1   Rd KeyNoise f  119  127  C-2   G8
     2   Rd KeyNoise mf  76  118  C-2   G8
     3   Rd KeyNoise p    1   75  C-2   G8
     4   Rd KeyOff f    119  127  C-2   G8
     5   Rd KeyOff mf     1  118  C-2   G8

You can see that Part 2 is essentially a ready-made patch for dropping in key noises. I love the shimmering auto-pan coupled with the ensemble detune effect.

Genos commentary

These experiments invite comparison between Genos and MODX, of course.

The featured Genos electric piano is a Rhodes Suitcase. You get the same Rhodes in darker and brighter timbres, and processed by a variety of effects (tremolo, phaser, etc.) You need to dig back into the Legacy EPs to find other Rhodes-like variations. The MODX effects give it the edge over Genos; Montage/MODX allow a longer effects chain. The Genos Suitcase EP is good, but sounds like a one-trick pony after a while. The MODX offers a broader range of Rhodes sounds immediately.

Piano aficionados on the PSR Tutorial Forum sometimes complain about a “lack of depth” in the Genos CFX grand voices. Their complaints may be grounded in fact. A Genos voice is equivalent to an eight Element MODX Part. (Warning, the mix of product terminology may becoming confusing here.) Thus, Genos is limited to the complexity of the single-Part CFX Stage Performance, lacking the “beauty layer” (Part 3) of the CFX Concert Performance. This layer would add depth to the sound as it unrolls dynamically.

Given what we know about the CFX Concert programming, Yamaha could release a full CFX expansion pack for Genos. The full CFX voice would need RIGHT1, RIGHT2 and RIGHT3 to handle all of the extra elements and their layering. Only three parts are needed if the CFX key off waveform is moved to the second part which currently has only three active elements. The Genos player would need to enable RIGHT1, RIGHT2 and RIGHT3 to make all parts active, but this is a small price to pay and could be easily configured into a registration.


Well, there you have it. I hope that my analysis will help you to understand and better appreciate both MODX and Genos piano voices. The MODX waveform set is quite rich in EP sounds, so get cracking!

Copyright © 2019 Paul J. Drongowski

MODX Performance: Latin Flutist

To better understand voice programming, you’ll need to know a few of the abbreviations which appear in waveform names:

Abbreviation Meaning
Stac Staccato (detached)
Of Offset (start after attack)
St Stereo
L Left
R Right
Sw Velocity switched
NV No vibrato

Yamaha have never published an official key for their waveform naming convention, so this is my best educated guess. (Thanks to Phil at for his insights.)

A MODX waveform contains one or more samples laid out in one or more keybanks. The keybanks specify basic trigger conditions for a sample: what range of notes (e.g., C-2 to G8) and what velocity range (e.g., 1 to 127). “Switched” waveforms implement two or more velocity ranges. The Flute4 family of waveforms, for example, offers four different levels: pp, mp, mf, and ff. The switched Flute4 Sw St waveform combines these individual variants into one velocity switched waveform.

Stereo waveforms are so marked (“St”); assume a mono waveform unless explicitly identified as stereo. The left (“L”) and right (“R”) waveforms are the left and right channels of a single sound. In old gear (pre-Montage and pre-Genos), tone generation (TG) channels are mono and two elements (TG channels) are needed to play back stereo. The new tone generator in Montage, MODX and Genos has stereo tone generation channels.

Acoustic instrument samples usually start with the attack portion of the sound followed by the body (and possibly, release). “Offset” means that playback is started at some offset from the beginning, usually after the attack portion. When a musician plays a legato line, the individual note attacks are de-emphasized. Offset waveforms are normally used to simulate legato.

Staccato (and pizzicato) are short samples with a strong attack. These waveforms sound like one-shots without much sustain (i.e., a long body).

Musicians playing real acoustic instruments often add vibrato in the same way that a vocalist adds vibrato. Waveforms for acoustic instruments often have the vibrato “sampled in,” i.e., the player added vibrato when the sound was digitally sampled. Non-vibrato waveforms are marked “NV.”

Finally, you’ll sometimes see “+” and “-” waveforms. These are variants which are slightly detuned sharp and flat, respectively.

Performance: Latin Flutist

All of this may seem like a lot to keep in mind, but in practice, it’s pretty simple. Let’s take a look at the voice programming for Latin Flutist. First, select Latin Flutist, tap the first Part (WW Flute) and hit the Edit button. You’ll see the Common voice parameters. Tap the “All” button in the lower right corner of the screen. MODX displays a table summarizes the active voice elements. (Don’t be a afraid to check out the “Balance” tab, too.)

The “Osc” tab provides much valuable information about the voice elements and how the voice behaves when it is played. The first four elements handle regular (non-legato) notes while the elements 5 through 7 handle the legato case. (Element 8 is not used and is turned off.)

Let’s take the regular (non-legato) case first. The first four elements depend upon the state of the assignable switches in addition to velocity and note range. Note range is not so important here because all elements respond across the full range of the keyboard (C-2 to G8). Elements 2 to 4 are potentially active when both assignable switches are off (A.SW Off). Element 3 triggers when the velocity of the incoming note is between 1 and 80, inclusively. Element 2 triggers when the velocity is between 81 and 127. Each element plays a different waveform giving the intended note a different character depending upon its velocity. Element 4 is a sweetener, triggering when a note is struck hard (velocity between 103 and 127, inclusively). Element 4 adds a stacatto “spit” to hard struck notes.

Whew, this is much harder to say than it is to actually understand or play. 🙂

Elements 5 to 7 handle legato notes. XA control is Legato. If you experiment with Latin Flutist, you’ll notice that the A.SW 1 On case (element 1) takes precedence over Element 7.

Legato notes with velocity 1 to 109 trigger element 7. Element 6 adds a staccato spit for hard struck legato notes. Element 5 is really fun because it adds a flutter tongue for hard struck legato notes. Try to trigger this case. You’ll notice that the second note in the legato sequence must be struck firmly in order to get the spit and flutter tongue. This last case is very similar to one of the Genos Jazz Flute articulations.

The Genos Jazz Flute is a Super Articulation 2 (SArt2) voice. In addition to legato and flutter, the Jazz Flute has wonderful scoop (bend up) and fall (bend down) articulations. One negative. The legato gesture needed to trigger the flutter articulation requires a firm, very deliberate strike on the second key in the legato sequence. I just about have to drill the key through the keybed when touch is set to NORMAL! On Genos, the only recourse is to set touch response to SOFT or EASY; you cannot reprogram the voice’s velocity threshold.

At this point, I hope you can see that the Osc table gives valuable clues about how the Performance can be played, i.e., how to invoke certain specific articulations. Also, if you have trouble hitting keys hard enough to trigger certain articulations, you could lower the velocity threshold for hard struck notes. (A quick fix, of course, is to use the “Soft” or “Wide” Velocity Curves — no edits required.)

Long-time readers know that I often create and post tables like:

El# Waveform          VLow VHigh  NLow NHigh  Level  XA
--- ----------------- ---- -----  ---- -----  -----  ---------
 1  Flute4 NV Sw St      1   127   C-2    G8    117  A.SW1 On
 2  Flute4 Sw St        81   127   C-2    G8    117  A.SW1 Off
 3  Flute3 Sw St         1    80   C-2    G8    127  A.SW1 Off
 4  Flute4 Stac Sw St  103   127   C-2    G8    124  A.SW1 Off
 5  Flute4 Flutter Sw  110   127   C-2    G8    120  Legato
 6  Flute4 Stac Sw St  102   127   C-2    G8    127  Legato
 7  Flute4 Sw St         1   109   C-2    G8    117  Legato

Usually I have to dig for this voice data. The MODX Osc and Balance tables put this critical information right up front. Thank you!

Performance: Concert Flute

Quickly, here is the basic programming information for the MODX Concert Flute Performance. [Click images to enlarge.]

Please note the element 5, 6 and 7 amplitude levels — zero! These element levels are under Super Knob control. Give this Performance a try and you’ll see and hear what I mean.

El# Waveform          VLow VHigh  NLow NHigh  Level Pan  XA
--- ----------------- ---- -----  ---- -----  ----- ---  ---------
 1  Flute4 NV Sw St      1   127   C-2    G8    103  C   A.SW Off
 2  Flute3 Sw St         1   127   C-2    G8      0  C   A.SW Off
 3  Flute4 Sw St         1   127   C-2    G8      0  C   A.SW Off
 4  Flute4 Stac Sw St    1   127   C-2    G8    111  C   A.SW1 On
 5  Flute4 Flutter Sw    1   127   C-2    G8    108  C   A.SW2 On
 6  Flute3 mp St         1   127   C-2    G8      0 L28  A.SW Off
 7  Flute3 mf St         1   127   C-2    G8      0 R28  A.SW Off
 8  Flute4 mp St         1   127   C-2    G8      0  C   A.SW Off

The Super Knob dials up the level for elements 6, 7, and 8 via assignable knobs 2, 3, and 4. The Super Knob also increases the reverb send level via assignable knob 1. Watch the on-screen assignable knobs while turning the Super Knob. You’ll see what it means when people call the Super Knob a “macro control knob.”

The assignable knob and Super Knob programming is a bit complicated and I’ll save further deconstruction of Concert Flute for a future blog post.

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

MODX Theatre Orchestra

Today’s project is reconstructing one of my favorite voices stolen from Genos/PSR: TheatreOrchestra. This voice first appeared in Tyros 3, using waveforms that are roughly contemporaneous with Motif XS (MOX).

The following table summarizes the eight voice elements in TheatreOrchestra. The voice parameters are pulled from the Genos UVF file for the voice.

Element  Low  High Low  High    Vol  Shift  Waveform
-------  ---  ---- ---  ----  -----  -----  -----------------------
   0      C3   G8    1   127   -7.9      0  Flute2 Soft St L (5623)
   1      C3   G8    1   127   -9.8     12  Flute2 Soft St L (5623)
   2      C3   G8    1   127  -12.0      0  [Flute] (4951)
   3     C-2  F#3    1   127   -3.0    -12  Bassoon Hard (5626)
   4      E3   G8    1   127   -6.0    -12  Oboe2 Med V3 (5627)
   5      C5   G8    1   127  -21.4     24  [Glocken] (5124)
   6     C-2   G8    1    68   -9.0      0  p (5248)
   7     C-2   G8   69   127   -9.0      0  f (5249)

The volume (element levels) look a little bit curious and I conjecture that element levels are set relative to 0dB. We’ll need to convert these levels to the range [0:127] with 127 corresponding to 0dB. Naturally, we’ll let our ears be the ultimate judge.

The overall sound is dominated by the woodwinds: 3 flute elements, bassoon and oboe. The bassoon and oboe are transposed down one octave. This imparts a unique reedy character to the sound. However, the lower notes (left hand) get somewhat murky, so in the final voice, I leave the bassoon and oboe in their natural ranges to either side of middle C (approximately).

The string component is not strongly stated. Any old string ensemble would do. The waveform names in the UVF files are not super informative although I suspect use of the OrchStrgs waveforms which were introduced in Tyros 3 and Motif XS.

The glockenspiel adds a nice chime to the high end. The glock always sounds in the original Genos/PSR voice, becoming rather tiresome after a while. I prefer to switch the glock in and out. Also, piccolo is a good alternative, again, being switched in and out.

The next table summarized the eight voice elements in Theatre, a similar voice that I constructed for the MOX6.

Element   Low  High Low  High  Level  Shift  Waveform
-------  ----  ---- ---  ----  -----  -----  ----------------
   1       C2   G8    1   127     90      0  Flute2 Soft St
   2       C2   G8    1   127     80     12  Flute2 Med St
   3       C3   G8    1   127     40    -12  Flute Non-Vib Of
   4      C-2   B2    1   127    100      0  Contrabass R
   5       C3   G8    1   127     50      0  Solo Combi St
   6       C3   G8    1   127     80     24  Glockenspiel  AF2
   7       B2   G8    1   127     65     24  Piccolo       AF1
   8      A#2   G8    1   127    100      0  Oboe 1

The piccolo and glockenspiel are controlled by the Assignable Function buttons AF1 and AF2, respectively. The corresponding element sounds when an AF1 and/or AF2 button is enabled (turned on).

Contrabass and the Motif XS/MOX string Solo Combi replace the string ensemble. The contrabass lends a nice bottom to hold down the bass. It should be played sparsely in the left hand (i.e., no close clusters).

Finally, here is the TheatreOrch voice for MODX. On MOX, I tended to work exclusively in voice mode. MODX is modeless and all programming is made in a Performance. Thus, on MODX, I comp’ed several Performances into a single TheatreOrch Performance, then tweaked the individual Parts. [Click images to enlarge.]

Although Performances are the first class citizens, I still dove into the Parts to make changes at the element level. The string Part is based on the Almighty Performance; I changed the waveforms to OrchStrgs Soft St and OrchStrgs Med St, splitting the patch into two velocity ranges: 1 to 68 and 69 to 127.

The new glockenspiel and piccolo waveforms are much better than Motif XS (MOX). The old glock sounded like a not very well cared for, used instrument bought in a pawn shop. The new glock rings nicely. A sweet alternative is the FM Glockenspiel. If I wasn’t such a traditionalist (!), I would have used it. Maybe in a future variation?

The flute Part (Part 1) is based on the 2 Flutes Performance. I employed older Performances for the oboe and bassoon, too. Since this voice is a blend, detailed isn’t too important and older, simpler voice programming doesn’t cut into polyphony as much as the newer detailed Performance. I prefer the new Performance for exposed solos when high quality is needed and polyphony is not likely to be an issue.

Instead of AF1 and AF2, I created four scenes. Scene 1 mutes both the glock and piccolo, Scene 2 enables the piccolo, Scene 3 enables the glock, and Scene 4 enables both the piccolo and glock. The MODX Scene buttons are close at hand and are an easy gesture away when making changes. The MODX assignable buttons, A.SW1 and A.SW2, are a longer reach.

As I work with MODX, I realize that I need to think more about building block Performances which can be combined (comp’ed) into bigger Performances. For example, it might have been better to start with 2 Oboes & Bassoon in one Part instead of separate oboe and bassoon in two Parts. Similarly, it might have been better to start with Wood Winds + Strings, which combines flutes and strings. By cutting two parts, I could have implemented the voice in four Parts, thereby making Seamless Sound Switching (SSS) possible. I may try this approach as a learning exercise.

Hope you enjoyed this brief dive into MODX Performance programming.

Copyright © 2018 Paul J. Drongowski

Bonus voice: Tutti

Let’s take a quick look at another interesting voice from arranger-land: Tutti. Tutti is a string and horn layer with Timpani in the left hand. High velocity left hand notes trigger a crash cymbal, too.

The following table summarizes the Genos voice programming.

El#  Low  High Low  High    Vol  Pan  Waveform
---  ---  ---- ---  ----  -----  ---  ------------------------
 0   C-2    G8   1   127  -25.9   -1  (4081)  Allegro Strings
 1   C-2    G8   1   127  -25.9    1  (4082)  Allegro Strings
 2   C-2    G8   1   127  -22.9    0  (4102)  French Horn
 3   C-2    F1   1   127  -14.6    0  (4222)  Timpani
 4   C-2    F1 106   127  -20.6    0  (4223)  Crash cymbal

I constructed a similar voice for MOX:

El#  Low  High Low  High    Vol  Pan  Waveform
---  ---  ---- ---  ----  -----  ---  -----------------------
 1   C-2   G8    1   127    105  L63  508  OrchStrgs Soft L
 2   C-2   G8    1   127    105  R63  511  OrchStrgs Soft R
 3   C-2   G8    1   127     90    0  621  French Horn St
 4   C-2   B1    1   127    127    0  137  Timpani Sw St        AF1 ON
 5   C-2   B1  106   127     85    0  2479 Hand Cymbal Open St  AF1 ON
 6   C-2   B2    1   127    101    0       Snare Drum           AF2 ON

     AF1 ON: Enable element 4 Timpani and element 5 Hand Cymbal
     AF2 ON: Enable element 6 Snare Drum

The timpani and hand cymbal are enabled when Assignable Function button 1 (AF1) is on. I added a snare drum hit which is enabled by AF2.

The screenshots below are a quick attempt to implement Tutti on MODX. I haven’t quite figured out the snare drum yet. First world problem: I love the Highland Snares kit and would like to use all of them!

Explicit Sax

Hope you got your Motif XF. The current stock is gone, gone, gone.

Comparing waveforms (Montage vs. XF) got me interested in the tenor sax samples and voices. The Yamaha MOX has the basic tenor sax samples (Med, Hard, Growl) while the Motif XF rounds out the set with Soft dynamic samples and falls. The XF (and MOXF) showcase the tenor sax in the “Tenor Max” preset voice.

Since I was curious to discover “what I’m missing,” I deconstructed four tenor sax patches on the MOX. Also, I compared the MOX voices against the Super Articulation tenor sax voices on the PSR-S950 arranger workstation in a listening test. The A/B test was enlightening as the MOX and S950 use the same waveforms — at least to my aging ears! The S950 triggers the samples using Super Articulation (SA) rules while the MOX triggers the samples using Expanded Articulation (XA) rules. Rules aside, you get to the same sonic place.

With XA, there are three main ways that samples are selected and triggered:

  1. Normal: Triggered when keys are played in the regular way.
  2. Legato: Triggered when Mono/Poly mode is Mono and keys are played in a legato manner, i.e. one or more keys are held while a new key is struck.
  3. AF1 and AF2: Triggered when either AF1 is ON, AF2 is ON or AF1/AF2 are both OFF and a key is struck. (The switch states are exclusive.)

See the Yamaha Synthesizer Paramater Manual for all the gory details. XA and SA differ in the amount of automated decision making made by the control software. SA is more automated and XA is more manual, giving the player more explicit control over articulations.

First up is the PRE5:008(A08)Tenor Dynamic AF1 voice. The AF1 and AF2 buttons are assigned in the following way:

    AF1: Mono/Poly mode
    AF2: FEG-D1

The AF1 and AF2 buttons do not affect sample selection in this voice other than putting the keyboard into Mono mode or Poly mode. Thanks to this simplification, it’s a good place to start ‘splaining.

The table below gives the waveform, key range, velocity range and volume level for each element in the patch.

    Elem#  Waveform            XA      Notes   Veloc  Level
    -----  ------------------  ------  ------  ------ -----
      1    Tenor Sax2 Med      Normal  C-2 G8  1   60   110
      2    Tenor Sax2 Med      Normal  C-2 G8  61  90   110
      3    Tenor Sax2 Med Of   Legato  C-2 G8  1   90    86
      4    Tenor Sax2 Hard     Normal  C-2 G8  91 127   120
      5    Tenor Sax2 Hard Of  Legato  C-2 G8  91 127    95
      6    Small Tabla Dom     Legato  C4  G8  1  127    52
      7    Small Tabla Dom     Legato  C-2 B3  1  127    78
      8    Sine                Legato  C-2 G8  1  127    78

The element levels are programmed to even out the perceived loudness across waveforms. Of course, there are many parameters for each element beyond what is shown in the table. For example, each dynamic level (velocity range) has its own filter and amplitude characteristics. There may even by a little velocity-sensitive pitch scoop at the beginning of a note!

The tenor sax waveforms (elements 1 to 5) cover the entire key range: C-2 to G8. The waveforms are assigned to different velocity ranges and are selected (and triggered) depending upon Normal or Legato playing gestures. The first element is triggered when a Normal (detached) gesture is detected and the key velocity (i.e., how hard the key is struck) is between 1 and 60 inclusive. The second element is triggered under the same conditions except the key velocity is between 61 and 90 inclusive. The AF1 button toggles between Mono and Poly mode — whether a legato gesture triggers a Legato element or Normal element.

You can see that only one of the first 5 elements is triggered at a time depending upon the combination of gesture, note range and velocity range. The Tenor Sax2 Med waveforms are played for quieter dynamic levels and the Tenor Sax2 Hard waveforms are played for the louder dynamic levels.

The Tenor Sax2 Med Of and Tenor Sax2 Hard Of waveforms are triggered by a Legato playing gesture. The “Of” in the waveform name means “Offset” and sample playback starts later in the waveform data, that is, skipping the attack part of the waveform. This eliminates the initial attack which is characteric of a sax playing detached notes.

Elements 6 to 8 are triggered only for Legato notes. These elements add a low-level “pop” at the beginning of each note. Think of this sound as a “connective tone” between notes. Tyros’s Super Articulation 2 technology (also known as “Articulated Element Modeling”) blends actual connective tones between notes, producing realistic articulations. The blending requires considerably more samples and processing power than the MOX or the S950.

The PRE5:009(A09) Tenor Soft Legato voice is a simplified version of the first patch. AF1 selects Mono and Poly modes. (AF2 is unassigned.) The patches use only the “Med” waveforms to achieve an overall softer timbre.

    Elem#  Waveform            XA      Notes   Veloc  Level
    -----  ------------------  ------  ------  ------ -----
      1    Tenor Sax2 Med      Normal  C-2 G8  1   70   110
      2    Tenor Sax2 Med Of   Legato  C-2 G8  1   80    99
      3    Tenor Sax2 Med      Normal  C-2 G8  71 127   110
      4    Tenor Sax2 Med Of   Legato  C-2 G8  81 127    99
      6    Small Tabla Dom     Legato  C4  G8  1  127    46
      7    Small Tabla Dom     Legato  C-2 B3  1  127    75
      8    Sine                Legato  C-2 G8  1  127    59

There are two dynamic levels (lower and higher velocity ranges) and two playing gestures (Normal and Legato) forming four combinations of dynamic level and gesture. Elements 6 to 8 implement a connective tone as previously described.

Life gets more interesting in the PRE5:0010(A10) Velo Growl Legato patch. AF1, again, selects Mono and Poly modes. (AF2 is unassigned.)

    Elem#  Waveform            XA      Notes   Veloc   Level
    -----  ------------------  ------  ------  ------- -----
      1    Tenor Sax2 Hard     Normal  C-2 G8  1    60   119
      2    Tenor Sax2 Med Of   Legato  C-2 G8  1    60    86
      3    Tenor Sax2 Growl    Normal  C-2 G8  61  127   125
      4    Tenor Sax2 Hard Of  Legato  C-2 G8  61  100   102
      5    Tenor Sax2 Growl Of Legato  C-2 G8  101 127    94
      6    Small Tabla Dom     Legato  C4  G8  1   127    52
      7    Small Tabla Dom     Legato  C-2 B3  1   127    78
      8    Sine                Legato  C-2 G8  1   127    78

There are roughly three dynamic levels:

  • Velocity 1 to 60: A hard attack is triggered for Normal notes and a soft attack, medium sax is triggered for Legato notes.
  • Velocity 61 to 100: A growl sax is triggered for Normal notes (up to velocity 127) and a soft attack, hard sax is triggered for Legato notes.
  • Velocity 101 to 127: A soft attack, growl sax is triggered for Legato notes.

This programming allows interesting one-hand control. Play soft to get a pure sax tone and play hard to get a growl. Play detached to get a harder attack and play legato to get a softer note attack (when Mono mode is selected via AF1).

The fourth and final patch is PRE5:011(A11) Tenor Growl AF1. The buttons are assigned in the following way:

    AF1: Mono/Poly mode and growl waveform
    AF2: Tenor Sax1 waveform

As you’ll see in the table below, the AF2 button selects the original Motif Tenor Sax1 waveform.

We again have two dynamic levels triggered by velocity ranges 1 to 100 and 101 to 127. Here, the assignable function buttons really come into play.

    Elem#  Waveform            XA        Notes   Veloc   Level
    -----  ------------------  --------  ------  ------- -----
      1    Tenor Sax2 Med      AllAFOff  C-2 G8  1   100   120
      2    Tenor Sax2 Hard     AllAFOff  C-2 G8  101 127   125
      3    Tenor Sax2 Growl    AF1 On    C-2 G8  1   127   127
      4    Tenor Sax2 Hard Of  Legato    C-2 G8  101 127   102
      5    Tenor Sax2 Hard Of  Legato    C-2 G8  1   100   102
      6    Tenor Sax1          AF2 On    C-2 G8  1   127   119

AF1 brings in a growl waveform (element 3) when it is turned ON. AF2 brings in an entirely different tenor sax waveform and tone (element 6) when it is turned ON. The first two elements play a pure tenor sax tone when all AF buttons are OFF. Elements 4 and 5 play a hard sax tone with a softer attack for legato playing gestures. You would be hard pressed to think about these combinations when actually playing — you just have to “go for it” intuitively, knowing that AF1 kicks in the growl.

Turning OFF AF1 while holding the key cuts off the note. Whether this is a bug or a feature is your’s to decide!

The effect programming in these four presets is not very adventurous. The effects are appropriate for a laid-back, mellow sound. Here’s a quick breakdown:

    Preset voice        Insert A   FX preset    Insert B    Dry/Wet
    -----------------  ----------  ---------  ------------  -------
    Tenor Dynamic AF1  VCM EQ 501    Flat     TempoCrosDly   D63>W
    Tenor Soft Legato  VCM EQ 501    Flat     TempoCrosDly   D59>W
    Velo Growl Legato  VCM EQ 501    Flat     TempoCrosDly   D54>W
    Tenor Growl AF1    VCM EQ 501    Flat     TempoCrosDly   D63>W

The Insert A effect is the VCM multi-band EQ. The EQ curve is flat, so the EQ is not coloring the sound at all. The Insert B effect is a tempo cross delay. The dry/wet mix is set conservatively (D54>W) or just plain off (D63>W). The system CHORUS effect is not applied and the system REVERB is a nice REV-X reverb.

The effect programming on the PSR-S950 is a little more exciting and adds a grittier sound for rock and R&B. The RockSax voice employs a distortion plus delay effect algorithm:


    Parameter       Value
    --------------  --------
    LCH Delay       250.0 ms
    RCH Delay       300.0 ms
    Delay FB Time   375.0 ms
    Delay FB Level  +16
    Delay Mix       50
    Dist Drive      10
    Dist Output     110
    Dist EQ Low     +3 dB
    Dist EQ Mid     +1 dB
    Dry/Wet         D40>W

Transporting this effect to the MOX, you could assign AMP SIMULATOR 2 to insert A. For insert B, you could stick with the tempo cross delay or you could program a fixed delay instead (e.g., DELAY L,R (STEREO)) using the parameters above. A third possibility is to use the MOX’s COMP DISTORTION DELAY algorithm which combines the distortion and delay into a single effect block.

The S950 GrowlSax voice uses a different distortion plus delay algorithm:


    Parameter       Value
    --------------  --------
    Overdrive       14%
    Device          Dist2
    Speaker         Combo
    Presence        6
    Output Level    98%
    Delay Time L    250.0 ms
    Delay Time R    250.0 ms
    Delay FB Time   500.0 ms
    Delay FB Level  +12
    Dry/Wet         D32>W
    Delay Mix       44
    FB High Dump    1.0

Programming options are similar. Set MOX insert A to AMP SIMULATOR 1 and either stay with the tempo cross delay for insert B, or set insert B to a fixed delay algorithm. Or, run everything through the MOX’s COMP DISTORTION DELAY algorithm. Tune the Dry/Wet mix to taste.

Hey, here’s a bonus — the effects for the S950 slapback guitar. This might sound good with a sax, too.


    Parameter       Value
    --------------  --------
    Overdrive       20%
    Device          Vintage
    Speaker         Twin
    Presence        14
    Output Level    66%
    Delay Time      16th/3
    Delay FB Level  +3
    L/R Diffusion   +10ms
    Lag             +0ms
    Dry/Wet         D<W63
    Delay Mix       127
    FB High Dump    1.0

In this case, go with AMP SIMULATOR 1 for MOX insert A. Use either the tempo cross delay for insert B or change insert B to the TEMPO DELAY STEREO algorithm.

Even though I’ve discussed voice and effects programming in the context of the MOX, these techniques all apply to the Motif XS, XF and MOXF, too.

If you would like to know more about Super Articulation voices, then please check out: SA and SA2: Is Motif up to the task? I also saved two informative posts from the Motifator forum about Super Articulation and Expanded Articulation.

Read about Motif XF (MOXF) “Tenor MAX” voice programming. Update: 18 May 2016.